Post news Report RSS Fresh meat. A whole wad of WADs

Say hello to the latest addition to the team. A mapper, 'Pitty', will be working on some more maps for us. Having 2 mappers will mean you lot get to play with something other than my horrible hack job of grid:) Also I will be working on creating WAD files for most of the Perfect Dark locales(all

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Say hello to the latest addition to the team. A mapper, 'Pitty', will be working on some more maps for us. Having 2 mappers will mean you lot get to play with something other than my horrible hack job of grid:)
Also I will be working on creating WAD files for most of the Perfect Dark locales(all MP and some SP levels) and I will also upload the fgd, for anyone wants to create custom maps(or contribute to the PD remakes)


**Draco Forgot to post this up here :) so I did it for him

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