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FSDev| Woodrow writes "Well, as you can see we've finally moved beyond models and theory into the actual game. And not just any game, but 2142. For the last two weeks we've been steadily pouring content into the 2142 engine and trying actually playing with it. And to help us with it we've

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FSDev| Woodrow writes "Well, as you can see we've finally moved beyond models and theory into the actual game. And not just any game, but 2142. For the last two weeks we've been steadily pouring content into the 2142 engine and trying actually playing with it. And to help us with it we've recruited a team of 12 'Alpha Testers' to assist us in testing and offer feedback on the direction of our work.

Snow Troopers Scout Trooper

So far it's been almost nonstop with the updates, as we are constantly adding in new weapons and soldiers to try out. To assist us in it we've even developed a tool in-house to distribute patches. All our testers have to do to patch is open up a little app and press a big "UPDATE" button. The tool then downloads the latest content, merges it with their last build, and repacks the mod all without any further input by the tester. This way we don't have to build installers for each patch and can add content as it's ready, thus only sending the testers the new content rather than an updated .zip with all the original stuff in it (thus keeping the downloads extremely small).

Hoth Imperials StormTrooper

And as you can see, the results so far have been astounding. All those shots are taken in-game on medium range computers, as performance is just as important as looks here at FirstStrike. We also hope to have some in-game 2142 shots of our own custom built maps soon (we just started moving those over, and while they work they still need a little cleanup) but for now our testers get to enjoy the full star-warsyness on tweaked 2142 maps.

And for those still hoping to get a beta spot, I'm happy to

Zorrentos - - 1,323 comments

Awesome work!

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Capital88 - - 324 comments

Great stuff, can't wait!

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Sallycin - - 635 comments

Amzing stuff, really can't wait for the release. This has got to be one of my most anticipated mods ever.

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JoeX111 - - 516 comments

No one has said it yet, so allow me to be the first:

"It's a trap!"

Nah, seriously, those shots look prety damn awesome. It almost makes 2142 look worth owning.

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mrtywalsh - - 142 comments

It looks like this wil be one of the first mods for 2142. great! im glad to see this coming forward....great work!

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StrangerThanFiction - - 8 comments

Very nice work!

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Haishin - - 28 comments

The Imperial scout looks PIMP. Keep up the work and you'll be seeing a good playerbase once this comes out.

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Hunt77 - - 240 comments

very nice models there, I would say there is enough SW games out/coming out, but this could easily beat battlefront, so go for it!

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Capital88 - - 324 comments

Yeah this looks like Battlefront, but much better graphics and with real battlefield gameplay (not the rip-off that battlefront was).

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Jambozal - - 337 comments

Sexy as ever :D

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