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A fair bit of news today, cataloging my updates to KA2 over the past few days Concept Changes: - Repair Ships re-added to the mod (I was planning on adding repair beams to the construction ships but, they refuse to function correctly, hence I have re-added repair ships to the mod) - Klingon Mobile Base

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A fair bit of news today, cataloging my updates to KA2 over the past few days

Concept Changes:
- Repair Ships re-added to the mod (I was planning on adding repair beams to the construction ships but, they refuse to function correctly, hence I have re-added repair ships to the mod)
- Klingon Mobile Base on hold (The coding behind them is being awkward, so for now, postponed)
- Added "Marines" to every combat vessel (That is to say, added the KA Crew and Marine complements for each ship together, so a pumwl Class Dreadnought that in KA has 600 Crew and 60 Marines, now has a crew of 660 in KA2 The General War. Also I added a multiplier to every ship, to simulate these marines, so capturing an enemy non-combat vessel or non-combat station with your combat ships, is naturally easier than with a freighter, after all a freighters crew aren't trained for combat

Graphical Changes
- Removed the "Electric bubble" look when a ship loses shields (Now there is no visual cue, except you'll notice weapons impacting with the hull, not the shield bubble, and of course you can check on the shield strength on the GUI rail)
- Incorporated the blue shields and "pink blob removal" mods into KA2 The General War

Audio Changes
- Added impact sounds for all weapons (When a disruptor or phaser hits a ship, a shield impact sound is heard, when a heavy disruptor, photon torpedo or other heavy weapon hits a ship, a hull impact sound is heard)
- Changed the Warp sound effects (replaced them with the ones from KA)

What I shall do as soon as I have finished this news post, is update the dynamic_localised_strings, so all references to "biomatter" are changed to "crystalene" and all references to the Borg, Ferengi, Species 8472 etc are changed to their correct period setting (Orion Pirates replacing Ferengi and so forth) and update some of the voices and ships in the same way (Ferengi Marauder becomes an Orion Blackjack Class CA). In short, tidy up the outer edges of the mod, so the rest of the races fit in that little bit better.

Oh, as a final note, I have made a spreadsheet system to calculate comparative ship shield and hull strength, crew complement, impulse/warp speed and so forth, even a very complex mathematical algorithm for determining hit chance based on the manoverability ratings given in the KA Strategy guide.

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