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A small list of the planned features of the mod, Calradia 1417.

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  • Features From Tocan's Calradia (Base of this mod)
    - diplomacy
    - pre-battle orders & deployment (pbod)
    - freelancer
    - better banners
    - improved male faces
    - historic castles project
    - arena overhaul mod
    - dark knight invasion [can be toggled on or off] * Possible changes* in Calradia 1417 to Kingdom of Balion Invasion to fit the Calradia lore better.
    - sea battles, seatrade & seafaring
    - bridge battles
    - 60 new companions [& the 16 native]
    - top-tier-troop to hero
    - new towns + villages scenes
    - faces reworked [ex: khergits looks asian]
    - "realistic" blood * * Tweaked in Calradia 1417
    - new horses and camels [~60] added more in Calradia 1417
    - some new items. ** more more and more in Calradia 1417
    - outposts
    - floris bank system
    - customizable sparring matches
    - duel kit
    - improved trade goods
    - salt mine [the player can let prisoners work in the mine]
    - new buildings
    - new books
    - new npcs in taverns
    - new options with the tavern keepers/arena masters
    - added the 10 quick game heroes into calradia's land - they roam the world map
    - kings give the player a gift for being a vassal
    - new kingdom management option
    - troop trees viewer
    - merchant's trade ledger
    - lav's companion/inventory management
    - companion export/import function
    - new cheat options
    - swadia have crossbowmen and archers
    - rhodok sharpshooters uses arbalests
    - desert bandits and sarranid horsemen with camels or horses
    - new mercenary troops, new bandits, bandit/manhunter leaders
    - better bandits troop tree
    - increased troop sizes
    - reduced lord defecting
    - always choose side when joining battles
    - the player can end his mercenary contract by speaking to liege
    - bonus for player (+ai) troop size in case you are king, marshall and/or hold fiefs
    - towns & villages prosperities tuned | fief income/rents changes [to make defending it worth]
    - village raids can be aborted | access on inventory during a siege
    - the player can besiege castles with neutral relations
    - cattle follow player
    - mercenaries now cost 25% more than normal troops [native's 50% are not justified]
    - more mercenaries in taverns
    - ammo for ranged weapons +4 [to make throwing skill something worth]
    - 40% chance to capture an enemy [instead native's 30%]
    - tournament win changes [increased bet amount,xp win + relation win] *Changed in Calradia 1417
    - prisoner management -> 10/skillpoint [(instead 5) to make it something worth]
    - building time 1/2 faster
    - the player can always ask the guild master for a new quest
    - increased the needed renown to got in service as a vassal [200 instead 150]
    - a school increases the loyalty of the villagers to you by +1 every week instead every month
    - increased the goods merchants available money
  • -Player's wife can now join to player party

---New Features that the Calradia 1417 offers

  • Player can open or close their helmet visors.
  • Helmet view
  • Tavern Wenches to increase party morale :)
  • Musicians in Taverns
  • Player can play dice with tavern keeper
  • Player can trade with merchant caravans
  • Most of the town scenes has been overhauled
  • New castle scenes
  • New wall textures
  • All the armors have been replaced with mid 14th to 15th century armors
  • New shields, including heraldic bouche shields of 15th century knights.
  • Player can buy seperate Pauldrons (Shoulder guards attached to Boots slot) to enchance his/her armor (usefull if you want to keep your heraldic mail but want to upgrade it with plates or want go with light weight equipment yet with a little more protection, eastern armors are not compatible with the pauldrons and will cause graphical clippings)
  • Hand made battlefields to avoid nerve-breaking mountain battles.
  • Expanded horizons.
  • New lighting and flora.
  • Player character will now shout commands
  • Animated flora and lance banners
  • Player can have some "intimate" activities with his/her husband/wife (increases relations, may contain adult content)
  • New sound effects, actual plate sounds
  • New heraldic plate armors
  • New main menu music and loading screens
  • Ability to change culture (includes player custom troop tree)
  • Halfswording : If player has a longsword that has a halfswordable tag on it, he/she can switch to halfswording by pressing X key
  • Overhead spear animations
  • Expanded troop trees for Rhodok, Swadia, Nord and Vaegirs. -- Rhodoks now have seperate Pikeman unit equipped with long pikes/awlpikes and halberds. Swadia now has Foot-knight units using longswords and maces/axes with bucklers. Swadia now has billmen equipped with bills obviously, Swadia now have both longbow and crossbowmen. Nords now have Axemen units equipped with long axes and halberds. Vaegirs now have Horse Archer Nomads equipped in Khergit fashion, but not strong like them (inspired by Cuman/Kipchak Turkic nomads in Russia)
  • Vaegir armies are now equipped with both eastern and western fashion equipments. (Inspired by Western Russian Principalities and Eastern Principalities) with that the Vaegirs are the most diverse looking faction in the game, making it a more appealing faction.
  • Companions can go and recruit some mercenaries for the player
  • New combat animations
  • World map showing the current political map of Calradia
  • Item viewer
  • Wind and nature sounds in battles rather than music.
  • Long lasting and brutal battles (tweaked armor piercing, soaking damage systems to favour maces/halbers/axes instead of one handed swords. If you want to go with typical sword/shield combination think again. This will force player to have 2 handed longswords or polearms and blunt weapons.
  • Brainy bots : AI will fight better, they will feint, block in time, charge brutally. If you dont want to see this feature being used by some farmers then you can activate it for only heroes (enemy lords, friendly lords and companions).
  • Crossbows are now devastating against plate armor. (Still do not expect one shot one kills)
  • Sarranid Mamlukes have been changed to Sarranid Sipahis. (They are now inspired from Ottomans/Safavids)
  • Increased armor piercing rate of some of the arrows.
  • If a castle or a town is under siege with low garrisons then there's a chance that some levies from nearby villages will reinforce the city. (They can be interrupted before reaching to Town/Castle)
  • Added Henry of Skalitz from Kingdom Come Deliverance as a companion because I can. And more easter eggs you will find in the mod related to some famous books/games (don't worry they fit in well to Calradia).
  • New UI and coloured event screens.
  • A Bandit Knight added as a hero roaming the world. And there are some bandit parties with Geroian and Balion units.
  • Most if not all the siege scenes now have more ladders / siege towers. Making the sieges more brutal.
Post comment Comments
Scipio_Africanus - - 76 comments

You could at least put mercenary archers in the taverns, maybe I could take swadia or the sarranid sultanate and get some archers out of there, but I do not want to mix units if this had the gekokujo characteristic of conquering an enemy faction and that all its units are transformed into the units of your kingdom would be great to be faithful to the native mod, it's good but ... Anyway, they are just suggestions and is there any possibility of placing any siege weapon? You know an onager or a catapult.

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Aruda Author
Aruda - - 999 comments

There are mercenaries in taverns including archers (I did not understand what you meant actually). Also you can change faction culture. That means it will be just like how gekokujo was. If one conquers somewhere, the conquered faction will havw its own troops

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Scipio_Africanus - - 76 comments

Thanks Aruda, that's what I was looking for

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ImperiaICitizen - - 2 comments

Looking forward to this

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Date_Masamune - - 23 comments

So, will the marriageable ladies and men be somewhat attractive or will they be as weird as in Tocan's Calradia? - I think they're the vanilla female looks anyways, but damn they're weird.

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Aruda Author
Aruda - - 999 comments

There are new head meshes for male faces but females are the same because all the osp mods out there turns females into dolls, they all look the same. There are some attractive ones tho, just like in real life, not everyone can look attactive. :)

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Date_Masamune - - 23 comments

The looks of lords and ladies in "Wings of Glory" look very good and I think they don't look like dolls either - They do look similar, but you're not going to marry 10 ladies anyways and you can mix them up a little bit so they don't look that similar

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Aruda Author
Aruda - - 999 comments

But in my opinion that kills immersion especially when you attend to a feast and see all the females looking the same. I'll check that mod out to see if theres anything different than whats already out there and if they're any good I'll ask for permission to use them. We'll see

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Cokjancok - - 255 comments

Does this have a separate recruitment between villages, castles, and towns? Or vanilla?

Dark Knight invasion from Geroia or Balion sounds good, maybe they brought with them 16th century gears like morion, flint/matchlock (?), etc.

But, what about uh... a... a Japanese invasion? Seeing as you are a dev of Daimyo edition, adding an invasion from a completely different period would spice things up. With the Japanese Samurai all wielding bows/matchlocks but also proficient with melee weapons, I can see how pain in the *** they would be. Sorry, I just had that pop up in my mind and decided to tell you lol

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Aruda Author
Aruda - - 999 comments

Recruitment is the same with vanilla for now, I may enchance the recruitment system in the future.

Well at first I thought about that but I decided not to add any Japanese related stuff into Calradia because It may ruin the immersion for many people out there (including me, the Japanese should stay in Gekokujo :) ). So unfortunately no. Although the technology is from real life Europe, the lore is still Calradia so I want to avoid adding things that are not present in Calradia. Thank you for suggestion tho! :)

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Cokjancok - - 255 comments

Makes sense, looking back at it, yes I agree wholeheartedly that a Jap invasion would be too random and out of place. Anyways since you mentioned Kingdom of Balion, who are they? Seems pretty 'English' to me with their bloody longbows or some ****! Hahahaha

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Ochinchan - - 107 comments

"Player can have some "intimate" activities with his/her husband/wife (increases relations, may contain adult content)" I see you are a man of culture as well. I swear if this mod has dickplomacy integrated.

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Scipio_Africanus - - 76 comments

hahaha, I swear I had not read this XD

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Aruda Author
Aruda - - 999 comments

The mod will not be as soft as native warband or many other mods out there. I'm trying to depict real medieval life so expect swear words, some adult content. I fear it will not be a child-friendly mod, but thats how I picture medieval life. :)

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Ochinchan - - 107 comments

Not arguing at all XD, why not throw in the ***** guard on the plate armors too?

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Guest - - 700,080 comments

This sounds like a mod i would enjoy!! we cant play it at the moment i see?
You mentioned Tocan's Calradia as base mod but i cant find it. Link to download please if you can?

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Ochinchan - - 107 comments

Should add some templar artifacts, I think it'll be cool.

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RandomMango - - 13 comments

Is it possible for you to release a version of the mod without PBOD? Every single mod that I played which has it caused my game to lag like hell even at 150 units on the field. Without it, I can run 200+ soldier battles with little problems. Other than that, this looks like an extremely promising mod.

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Aruda Author
Aruda - - 999 comments

You will be able to customize your preferences from the camp menu. So about PBOD, you can turn it off, make it semi-active or full active depending on your PC or simply your preferences.

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RandomMango - - 13 comments

That's good to hear! Glad to see you back btw.

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Nitrodashaa - - 1 comments

In game, since my wife can be in my party, will I be able to let her roam and lead her own army?

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Guest - - 700,080 comments

Bannerlord what? dis looks awesome

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brech444 - - 1 comments

what factions will be there

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icevdr - - 29 comments

please tell me this awesome mod has a propper shieldbash in it so combat is actualy fun and not just huggign eachother?

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paulo_rmn - - 29 comments

there's a quest for swadian regent sword??? also, im getting an black corrazina with gunsmith lobten instead of an tuned flintlock pistol.

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Guest - - 700,080 comments

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DudeOfDoom - - 2 comments

Why not expand the troop trees?

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Guest - - 700,080 comments

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Guest - - 700,080 comments

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