"What the FAQ?" EvaMod FAQ v1.1 So, what is "Neon Genesis Evangelion?" Neon Genesis Evangelion is a anime, originally realeased in Japan. Set in the 2015 the world is starting to recover from an incident fourteen years earlier, known as "The Second Impact". A comet struck the icy shores of antarctica,

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[font=Arial] [SIZE=14]"What the FAQ?"[/SIZE][/font]
[font=Times][SIZE=1]EvaMod FAQ v1.1

So, what is "Neon Genesis Evangelion?"

Neon Genesis Evangelion is a anime, originally realeased in Japan.

Set in the 2015 the world is starting to recover from an incident fourteen years earlier, known as "The Second Impact". A comet struck the icy shores of antarctica, melting the ice caps and flooding the planet. Now, despite the recovery of Japan, and the other major countries, mysterious beings, known only as "Angels" have begun attacking Tokyo 3. Humanity's only defence: large, bio-mechanical weapons owned by the NERV corporation, known as Evangelions, or "Evas", and their 14 year old pilots.

So is EvaMod like the series?

In most ways, yes. If you have seen this great series, then people, places, music and even some events should be familliar to you. If you haven't seen the series that's okay too; the mod will fill in enough of the story to keep you going.

How accurate will EvaMod be?

As accurate as possible within the bounds of the Half-life engine.

What types of playmodes will there be?

Currently, we have the following basic modes of play lined up for our initial Alpha/beta releases: Standard Deathmatch, a Capture the Flag variation, Species Deathmatch (humans vs humans and Eva vs Eva).

Other currently planned playmodes are King of the Hill, Defend and Destroy and a Classic Assault mode (one Angel vs the human defences, or the military invasion of NERV HQ)

Why don't you use a better engine than Half-life? It's so old now and there are better ones out there!

After much thought, we have decided that it is best at this point in time to stick with Valve's tried and true engine. To move to a more powerful engine would discount a large portion of fans who cannot run the new engines. Furthermore, no other engine can boast the community support which Half-Life does. Half-Life provides great scripting opportunities, and is easy to modify, using its SDK.

....Umm... WTF is an SDK?

It stands for Software Development Kit. It contains all of the code for everything you could possibly need to make your own "game" using an existing engine. So this would be the Valve SDK.

So where can I leave my input about the mod?

Sign up for the forums and post away. We're glad to welcome you to the EvaMod forums. We have a "Suggestions" section made for that very purpose. The team will post pics and any other information on the mod. Sometimes, the forum members get a sneak peek of things to come. All we ask is that you try to keep your criticizms constructive; flaming just slows the process and lowers the quality of the finished product, as well as ruining the aire of the otherwise pleasant mod community.[/SIZE][/font]

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