Post news RSS Fallout New Vegas Reborn V1 Progress Report

I'm quite far along in modding NV, Obsidian has already done lots of the work for me. Read below for more info.

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Some quick notes about what FNVR V1 will include:

Damage tweaks and some weapon names changed (but no weapon model/texture changes... yet).

New damage formula: weapon bullet dimensions (in millimetres) multiplied by each other, and divided by two. For example, 5.56x45mm NATO: 5.56 multiplied by 45 divided by 2 = 125 (rounded to nearest whole number). For energy weapons, it's clip size (always 100) multiplied by ammo use, divided by 4 (or 6 if it's powered by small energy cells). Since most guns in real life kill with a shot to the chest or torso, this system is quite effective at making the game feel very realistic.

Improved needs system: Obsidian at least had the thought to implement this system, however, it doesn't fit what I feel Reborn needs in the way of a harsh, but fun system. The system timing will be changed, and an optional piss/crap system will be implemented. On top of that, the effects will be more dramatic.

Creature attack damage upped, to compensate for firearm damage increases.

Revamped DR system: explain me this, a point-blank 20ga shotgun blast to the chest doesn't kill an unarmoured legion soldier, but a 9mm round does? WTF.

Chem and med effectiveness tweaked, and they now weigh something as well. Food/drink that damaged your strength or perception levels have been fixed... that got annoying quick.

Various other tweaks: vending machines actually work like vending machines, new bullet casings (which stay for longer, too), other such small things that improve the Fallout experience.

A final note, V1 will be boring old normal fallout (for all the fanboys). V2 will NOT be like that at all. Till next time,


Sanguinius - - 5,719 comments

God damn this is pure awesomeness, I am glad someone started to create "realism" mod for NV even though the game was released like 10 days ago. Playing NV at the moment but i am annoyed by things like "a point-blank 20ga shotgun blast to the chest doesn't kill an unarmored legion soldier, but a 9mm round does?" and lots of other things too. If V1 is going to be so epic then i am gonna scream like a little girl when V2 and beyond comes out :D. I'm gonna follow this mod to the end, already see lots of interesting things you gonna put in the game and i very much like it. You have my full support ;] PS: ****/Crap system is epic idea.

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Slayer_2 Author
Slayer_2 - - 2,141 comments

Well, I made one for Fallout 3, so it's hardly fair to not make one for NV... besides, I can't deal with this low weapon damage BS :P

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sbseed - - 499 comments

no kidding, im hoping we can include some of the other mods that add a bit of realism as well... some of it may not end up in the first version, thats mostly up to slayer_2.

since he wasnt able to add in a model for the AC130U for the last version for FO3, we will try and get it into at least Reborn V2... so far we have been having some issues with getting a proper texture/rigging person for the team (frustrating). long and short is i can hardly wait for release myself :D

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killerbanjo - - 175 comments

Hurry up and relise it mate :P

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Slayer_2 Author
Slayer_2 - - 2,141 comments

All in good time... I actually have to test it and make sure it doesn't blow chunks.

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FailerOfLife - - 63 comments

I found a weapon that's making me question how much I'm going to use FNV: Reborn (and I don't mean anything by that, I just love the gun) and that weapon is This Machine. I can't tell if its based on a real gun or not, which is why I'm going to be kind of hesitant when it comes to V2 and higher. The weaponry in Fallout 3 sucked with the exception of the really big stuff, so Reborn was really the best thing that happened to the game in my opinion, but because of the semi-realistic weapons in New Vegas, along with the fact that I REALLY LIKE This Machine, I'm just not sure about V2. I'll play it and enjoy it, but its not going to replace New Vegas for me the way V8 replaced Fallout 3 for me. Unless of course it turns out that This Machine is based on a real gun (I don't know why but I keep thinking Kar 98) then I'm going to use it 100% of the time with New Vegas. I really hope its based on a real weapon. Wow this is a long post...

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Slayer_2 Author
Slayer_2 - - 2,141 comments

I find it funny how you base whether you're gonna use the mod on a single weapon :P

"This Machine" (although I've never got it) is based off of the M1 Garand, a semi-automatic WW2-era rifle. It has been re-named, and distributed throughout the wasteland. And yes, since it is a real-life weapon, I'm keeping it.

I agree, there are more realistic weapons in Fallout 3, but I'm still going to add in some new ones for V2 (AK-47, desert eagle, etc).

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FailerOfLife - - 63 comments

I'm going to use the mod, I was just saying that I REALLY LIKE that gun. A LOT. I'm really glad that its going to be in the mod, and thank you for telling me which gun it was. At least I got the era right.

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Slayer_2 Author
Slayer_2 - - 2,141 comments

Yeah, I'm a bit of a WW2 gun nut, I love the game Red Orchestra.

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Rafafinha123 - - 22 comments

I was just wondering: Anti material rifle(probably barret.50 Fallout's equivalent)is gonna have a million damage. I mean really, nothing survives a 50Mg bullet to the head with that speed

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Slayer_2 Author
Slayer_2 - - 2,141 comments

It has 650 damage with my mod, I believe. That good enough? :P

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