Post news RSS Evolving Senses:Hope Within Nothing- Initial tech demo

In Evolving Senses you take on the role of a cyborg who has been stripped of all senses. This tech demo shows the basic story and gameplay.

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In Evolving Senses you take on the role of a cyborg who oversees a cloning facility specializing in military training by heightening the clones perception via rigorous testing ,training , and modification. During a standard transfer between holding cells the clones revolt. You are severely damaged and thrown into the depths of the laboratory.

Many years pass, the clones are long gone and your system finally reboots. You have no sense of vision, no touch, no hearing. Using your localizer interface you stumbled across a download station a download station several feet in front of you. You can feel its presence you can almost see it. Reaching out you connect with it and find you are able to redownload your corrupted touch sensor drivers.... Hey it's a start.

You stumble around trying to get some sort of sense of direction. Maybe you can download more drivers at other stations... Just have to find them first...

BrokenBunnyStudios Author
BrokenBunnyStudios - - 2 comments

We are very happy to announce that the game we made for the Global Game Jam had such interest from others and our own team that we decided to group together and turn this into a full story driven game.

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