Post news RSS Erra: Exordium — we're coming to Steam

One of the earliest key art concepts. Now we are preparing the Steam page...

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Erra: Exordium

Believe that the final art that we have already presented at the WeGame exhibition will delight you.

Now we want to make a cool Steam page design to match the game itself.


Also we would like to tell that we've started to work on soundtrack. It will be very atmospherical, sonorous with warm and tense sound. 
We trully believe that music in games is one of the most important storytelling instruments.

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In soundtrack we've tried to move away from Arabian chants in order to get an atypical Score without clichés.
Something to give you the idea of ​​Sumerian-Akkadian mythology and dieselpunk. Hope soon we can share a piece of the soundtrack with you.
Stay Tuned.

# devlog # indie # indidev # dieselpunk #erraexordium

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