Post news Report RSS Enforcement :: First In-Game Shots

We here at Enforcement have been working so very hard to show the public some of our work, in an attempt to draw fans to the MOD. Below are some screenshots of our first completed map, ef_trainstation. The Models, Textures, Decals, etc... are not final, and will be different in the final release of

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We here at Enforcement have been working so very hard to show the public some of our work, in an attempt to draw fans to the MOD.

Below are some screenshots of our first completed map, ef_trainstation. The Models, Textures, Decals, etc... are not final, and will be different in the final release of the map. Unfortunately we do not have the staff to create custom textures right now, and our modeler, Vince, is hard at work making weapon models. it's three of us working as hard and as fast as we can, one coding, one mapping, and one modeling. Hope you have enjoyed our work so far guys and thanks for the support.

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TyecoK - - 152 comments

Well , looks nice. Good luck guys, don't rush!

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pjmiller435 - - 230 comments

Thanks for your feedback. Apperciate it, we're working hard and its going well.

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Jaikon - - 51 comments

Wow, cool... I'm liking this mod already! :D

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pjmiller435 - - 230 comments

Thanks for your comment, be sure to Watch this mod, we're trying our best to have everyone like this mod. Even tho we've gotten a lot of flaming, we held our heads high and keep rolling on.

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Canuck - - 110 comments

Cool. The textures look a little low res. You might want to make them higher res for when you release it.

Also, the map looks a little too bright. Tone down the brightness and it should a lot better.

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Jamdude80 Author
Jamdude80 - - 33 comments

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll look at changing the light map tommorow. Unfortunatly my PC is pretty low-end, so I have real trouble rasing the Res, I might ask pjmiller or vince to take some Higher-Res screens.

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pjmiller435 - - 230 comments

Again thanks Canuck for your suggestions and concerns, We Love Em! While other mods might discourage it our come back and say youre an idoit! We dont, we take every suggestion to heart, when we were put down by forum members, whatd we do? We actually took their advice. We'll take everyones advice, suggestions, ideas, etc. into account. Thank you so much for contributing to our mod Canuck.

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Yytrium - - 17 comments

I don't get it... I make a clean post for my mod, it gets declined...

You even break the rules (saying you got forums etc.) and you make the frontpage...
Where is justice? >:(

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pjmiller435 - - 230 comments

We've needed the publicity badly, whats your modDB profile link maybe we can talk and help each other out? I'll be glad to help you.

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MagNet - - 56 comments

I hate this mod already.
Put more work into it, make the stairs smaller, use custom textures, etc...

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Yytrium - - 17 comments

Here it is miller

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Jamdude80 Author
Jamdude80 - - 33 comments

MagNet, I see very little media coming from you. So stop whining. I will however take your criticism into mind, but only if you bother reading what I put, Textures are NOT final. Read & Think before you post next time m8.

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8472 - - 860 comments

Map looks empty. Not much going on, and the realism is non existint.
Also turn your graphics up or at least type "mat_picmip 0" into your console before taking screenshots.

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MagNet - - 56 comments

I was just a little mad about something but I'm ok now, sorry for that, I did read it now.
Well, the stairs appear still too big for me and maybe the ceiling is too low, well you'll get the idea.

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Yytrium - - 17 comments

Apply Measurement textures first. Set scale to 0.25 and filter for "DEV measure". I don't mean to be a wiseguy, but that way you can't ever screw up on scaling things, like that low ceiling.

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ChrisPage - - 580 comments

You really need to get some better media up before posting news.

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Jamdude80 Author
Jamdude80 - - 33 comments

This map is built for Half Life 2, as we do not have a FGD or anything yet. Once we have a proper build of the MOD, I will add enemies etc...

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8472 - - 860 comments

DONT release screenshots with no interesting features. Even if it is HL2 you can still use prop_physics and put realism to the map before releasing shots of it.

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Jamdude80 Author
Jamdude80 - - 33 comments

Added higher-res pics which should look better

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Jamdude80 Author
Jamdude80 - - 33 comments

The scale for the wall is set to 0.30, so i don't see how i can be low.

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Yytrium - - 17 comments

Well the golden rule for halflife 2 (from what i have heard and seen all over the places) is that textures should be set to 0.25. Always.

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pjmiller435 - - 230 comments

We know all of these things, we just put out news everyday for anyone who wants to read it, it's the first time we've been on the front page and yes it happened to be twice within 2-3 days. We need publicity anyway good or bad, lol, most love it, some hate it, others suggest things. These are A OK with me, we're not done with our models or anything and yes we could use HL2 NPCs, etc. but thats all HL2 stuff, this is a basic outline of something the first part of the first level will look like ok? It's a three man team dont expect magic over night, we are working hard and fast with every single thing we can as well as working hard on promotion, publicity, a game movie trailer, etc.

So please support us and get behind us because I guarntee you, you wont be let down.

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Yytrium - - 17 comments

*quotes* it's the first time we've been on the front page

Uhm, didn't you post models like 5 news posts back?

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pjmiller435 - - 230 comments

it's the first time we've been on the front page and yes it happened to be twice within 2-3 days.

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Yytrium - - 17 comments

It aint the first time then :P

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pjmiller435 - - 230 comments

lol it means these two posts on the front, is the first time we've ever been on the front page, that whole sentance i typed clearly speaks that. that these r the first time we've been on the front page.

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Yytrium - - 17 comments

Guess I misunderstood that part. English isn't my first language :S

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KingTurd - - 37 comments

wtf? not to flame or anything but, this doesnt even look like a mod?

its just a poorly made map, with normal textures and default pistol

am I the only one that sees this?

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Jambozal - - 337 comments

I agree kingturd. Guys, I suggest you hide away for a few months, get loads of stuff done until you're happy with the way it looks. Don't go looking for publicity when you've got nothing you can show - it just makes some people hate you. There's loads of other problems with publicising too soon; plenty of mods have suffered because of it, but I won't go into it now. My advice for you is to shut yourselves away for a long time until your mod is nearing the first release; then start releasing the good stuff. No-one wants to see badly textured maps, even though you know yourself that it's just a starting point.

I for one am looking forward to this mod, it's got alot of promise and a good storyline. But I can't stress this enough - don't release media too soon.

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TryAgain - - 24 comments

It's ugly.

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SgtJman - - 117 comments

I agree, HL1 maps look better than these, I could make better in a few minutes, here are some tips

-the colums can have more than 8 I think is is corners
-Decals, can look good in large numbers if you are skilled, you are not...
-wtf, is with the vines... I mean come on!
-beore you post think, would I be interested in a mod that puts these sorts of maps on the front page?

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San-J - - 662 comments

Beyond perhaps attempting to establish yourselves on the radar screens of the modding community (which a few poorly set-up screenshots of a hypostyle room will hardly accomplish), I fail to see the objective of this news submission. You speak of fans, but I can assure you that it'll take more than this to draw in fans. I admire your apparent dedication, but really, hold off on the news posts until you have something to show. Posting half-assed screenshots will only get you negative attention, and contrary to what politicians may say, negative attention is *not* better than none at all.

I would carefully heed the advice of others who have suggested you hold off on publicity until you have something substantial and unique to share, lest you go down that wretched path of vaporware that so many modders find. You clearly have the energy to accomplish some great things, but news like this will not get you anywhere.

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