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My main focus is to work on the mod for the disharmony DLC. I'll be able to develop a version for those who do not wish to buy the addon after the initial release.

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with Disharmony out and me being off from summer holidays, this means i can get some proper work done on the mod. Most of the work that has been done is text base as i am waiting for the DOTR to be released in order for me to get the final models in-game.

I have gotten in touch with a 3-D modeler who is willing to help me model the minor races not cover by DOTR such as elcor and hanar.

It is effectively a one man team with me doing all the work. (This is how i prefere to do it.) I do have trouble coming up with anomaly and event ideas so if you want your idea in the mod message me or post it.

People i could use help from are:

artists - for images/video intros
audio composer - weapon sounds/idle sounds
music composer - for music
coders - people experienced with code for the very complicated stuff

IF anyone has any concerns or questions, message me. I do my best for answering quickly.

Lockerd - - 2,045 comments

hop on to our forums, they may not be directly to you but I'm sure you can find some good anomaly ideas from here in an attempt to get good artifact Ideas.

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jednou - - 12 comments

Awesome guys, looking forward to this.

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