Recently we've showed off our original Dreamscape Theme composed by the talented Trent "Basstronix" Robertson. Download it at moddb Dreamscape: Pin Point Blank currently has about 30 tracks that are in the works or are complete. The music in Dreamscape will be used for a wide variety of purposes ranging from level bg music to conversation bg music to stealth music and more.
Enjoy These fine wallpaper specimens... And remember kids, the parasites will love you when your dead! :)
Very nice! i love those :O
Yeah... really yeah.
Is that like... cocaine?
Methinks. Looking awesome, love the screenie, love the theme and love the backgrounds.
all you pulp fiction fans shud know thats heroin..why else wud there be blood splattered everywhere!! :P ~ ^^
Yeah, because an adrenaline shot to the heart will fix anything:P. Anyway, Pulp Fiction rocks my cotton socks off.
This is cocaine though.
i thought it was cement
looks snowish
Oh noes! ! Obscene amounts of flour and or powdered sugar spilt on a bb gun!!!
Great work guys!
this is looking quite promising. The HUD could be visualy improved but keep it up guys!
Its baking soda that they used...and the silencer looks a bit too small for the gun..but still looks good.