WHAT IS? "DOOM 64 VANILLA" is a mod for Doom I & II that gathers and combines the following mods in a single .pk3 file: Doom 64 weapons only + Doom 64 Monster Replacer + Doom 64 Texture Wad + New Menu D64 Style + Music.
"DOOM 64 Vanilla" is an ideal mod to play the dark and terrifying experience of the original Doom 64 with any WAD of Doom I & II, and above all, in any engine.
Compatible with GzDoom 2.1 & 3.1, ZDoom 2.8, Zandronum 3.0. Also ideal for competing in multiplayer deathmatch against bots in Zandronum 3.0. Compatible with Doom Touch Android.
DOOM 64 by Id Software
Doom 64 weapons only Version 2.0 (ZDoom/GZDoom) by Nevander.
DOOM64 Monster Replacer V07 by Kaal979
DOOM 64 Textures Wad by Soloandroidgames
THANKS! Compiled by Victor Cajal (2017)
te quedo joya victor!