Post news Report RSS Development update - May

The world is looking better, the enemies are looking uglier and the tavern is ready for customers!

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Hey everyone!

As our team is deep at work on the next major patch for Fall of Avalon, we did not want to leave all of you empty handed, so we have a fresh update with some of the news from the development front!

Before that, we just wanted to take a moment to once again thank you all for taking this Early Access journey with us. Your support is amazing and having so many active players at this stage of the project feels very rewarding. Thank you!

After the EA release, our team had some very much deserved time off, but now we are back deep in development work and we are reporting back with some of the upgrades we have already managed to get done!

We will be doing updates like this every month to give you a unique look at the development process. Obviously, we look forward to any feedback (good or bad!) you might have and are always happy to hear any suggestions.

So, let’s see what we have in store for you today!

Visual upgrades!

There are quite a few visual upgrades happening all around! Our team has been able to enhance the world, enemy and special effects. Let's see some examples, shall we?

First - the buildings’ interior and, in particular, the TAVERN! We want to make sure that going inside buildings will be a good, thematic experience, so we are adding some much needed details here and there. And what place could be more important than the good, old tavern?

But the outside world is getting some extra love as well. We are working on enhancing the environment to be more… well, three dimensional. Below, you can see how we are changing the overall quality of the game’s environment and terrain.

Now, obviously we are also giving some extra love to enemies you encounter near Horns of the South. Today, we are really happy to show you the reworked drowners and undead - we simply felt that they could use a design overhaul. We hope you enjoy the changes!

Speaking of enemies - we were finally able to implement overall clothes and give them proper physics, so that means… CAPES! And obviously many other options for humanoid enemies and NPCs that will look way better and more natural ;) Check out the first iteration below!

Not only are we making current enemies prettier (and smarter! More about that later ;), but we are adding some new ones, too! Here, you can see the 3D sculpt for Moonlight Guardian - what is interesting is that he is the first enemy with a shield, so defeating him will require a bit more finesse :D More shield-wielders to come!

But we are also working on concepts for monsters for new zones and you can expect some really cool designs. Here is the first spoiler of things to come! ;)

We are also working heavily on improving the combat, as one of the biggest feedback we got from you is that you would like for it to have a better feel. Right now, it is still very much a work in progress, but we promise you that this is a strong focus point for the whole team, and we are aiming for a really great feel from every type of combat.

Below you can see the first improvement to bows (special arrows VFX), as well as the very first iteration of critical hits. Thanks to these, it will be much easier to tell when you performed a special attack and obviously, that will provide that special satisfaction of seeing its effect on the poor enemy ;)

Last but not least - a small spoiler of things to come! As promised, we will be adding quite a lot of new content and we are aiming that for every new chapter/zone, we will have a different environment, so that every zone will feel unique and have its own character.

Without further ado, here’s the first iteration of snowy mountains! We hope you enjoy it!


There is also A LOT of work happening in the background that is aimed at drastically improving the game. That includes:

  • Working on improving the UI
  • Fixing and ironing out bugs
  • Technical research on the open world aspect of the game and better optimization
  • Improving enemy AI
  • Improving balance, reworking items, skills etc.
  • Reworking the crafting mechanic

All of this is happening simultaneously and we hope that we will soon be able to show you the first effects, as well as invite you to test it on your own during the next major patch!

In general - as you can see, the work is moving forward quite nicely and we are super excited about developing Fall of Avalon further. We can’t wait to share with you all the improvements and new content we are working on.

As always, thank you for being here, supporting us and sharing your feedback! We really do appreciate that! See you, in about a month, in the next update!

Questline Team

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