Post news Report RSS Development Update #016

System details on Farming, Mining, Appraising, Lapidary, Goldsmithing, Woodcutting, Fishing, Butchering, Writing & Publishing, Poleturning, Bowyering & Wood Quality, Skinning, Curing & Tanning, Cooking, Architecture, Retinue and Banning & Game Punishment - All this week!

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Welcome one and all to yet another Development Update; #16!
My apologies for the late post - I've been unable to connect to the internet for three whole days!


Right now, I'm currently working out all the systems and gizmos for the game, and here's this weeks' accomplishments!


Farming is fairly simple. You plant your crops, tend for them, then when they're ready, harvest them.

Farming has its own timescale. Whilst one game day fits into two real days (ie, 12 hour-days in-game), farming is split down even moreso, so that instead of having to wait for real-time weeks, you need only wait real-time days.

One Farming Month = One Real Day *2. (ie, 1 month = 2 real days).
One Farming Month = One Real Day *2 *2. (ie, 1 month = 4 game days).

At this rate, if wheat takes 4 months from planting to harvest, it will take 8 days in reality.
At this rate, if carrots take 2 months from planting to harvest, it will take 4 days in reality.

This is the best, calculated, timescape I can balance out so that players don't grow bored whilst waiting for their crops. With proper rotation, a farmer can keep himself busy all year and every day - and keep himself fed and rich, too!

1 real-time Year = 15.8 Farm Years.
1 game-time Year = 7.9 Farm Years.

However, farm-time only affects the growth of crops.

There are many things a player needs to do to care for their crops. What they are able to do, however, depends on their Farming skill Level.

- Destoning the Land
When you first gain land, it will be covered in stone - above and under the earth. It is your job to clear these out as best as you can for the best possible fertile land.
- Deweeding the Land
Your land will also be covered in weeds, when you first gain it. Ergo, these also need removing - to their roots!
- Ploughing
Before you can soe your seeds, the earth will need to be tumbled up a little so they can be planted.
- Planting
Depending on how long you spend planting each crop, increases their chance of growth. If you quickly run along and drop one on the top of the soil, they will have a lower chance of survival. Meanwhile, if you take time to bury each seed to the appropriate depth, you'll have a better chance. Knowledge (Skill) in these matters will decrease the time it takes to increase the survival chance.
- Deweeding the Crops
Whilst your plants are growing, weeds will grow - it is your job to stop them!
- Watering the Crops
During drought, you will have to water your crops to keep them alive.
- Protecting the Crops
Crops have many enemies! During their younger time as a seed, birds will attempt to eat them - employ a scarecrow! As an actual crop, rabbits and such will attempt to steal them... employ a bow.
- Recognizing Disease
This is where your skill comes in handy, in recognizing diseases. As a newbie farmer, you'll likely recognize very few. As you grow more skilled, however, and notice your crops dying from the disease, you will recognize and learn about them.
- Recognizing Insect Invaders
As with Disease above, you'll realise when your crops have been attacked and by what, post-event. In the future, you'll know when they strike and how to remove them (ie, by appearance chance of before-during-after the insects are there, not by when they are there, on a timer).

These are just the few I have come up with so far.

You can "Inspect" crops by approaching them and taking a look. On this, there are several statistics - such as;

- Overall Health
- Water levels
- Sunshine levels
- Soil Quality
- If & what weeds are present.
- If & what diseases are present.
- If & what insects are present.

Your skill will affect the accuracy and available of the above statistics of your plant.


Mining is the beginning process of acquiring valuables from the earth, such as metals and jewels. Without mining, there are no metals or jewels! Simple!

When the world is made, an underworld will be generated. The generator will generate nodes, such as Rock Hardness, Rock HP, Jewels and Metals. (nod to Haven ahd Hearth for the "Generated Nodes" feature idea).
When you strike the earth, you will first attack the earth's Rock Hardness with a "Mining Strike".
Once you surpass this, you then have to beat down the earth's Rock HP with another calculation of the "Mining Strike".

Strength * 1.8 = Mining Strike base
Mining Strike * 10 = Mining Strike VS Hardness
Mining Strike * 2 = Mining Strike VS HP

So, if your strength is 28, your mining Strike would be 50.4.
Your VS Hardness Score would be 504.
Your VS HP Score would be 100.8.

If your VS Hardness Strike was less than the Rock Hardness, the earth would be too tough for you.
If your VS Hardness Strike was equal to the Rock Hardness, your VS HP strike would be 50% the usual speed.
If your VS Hardness Strike was +50 the Rock Hardness, your VS HP strike would be 100% the usual speed.
If your VS Hardness Strike was +100 the Rock Hardness, your VS HP strike would cap at +150% the usual speed.

Everything inbetween is in common relation. (eg; +74 = 124% speed).

Anyway. When you do find a Jewel or Metal node, each rock has a % of that jewel or Metal in it. ie, poor VS rich source of X (X being the Jewel or Metal). This % affects the base quality of the jewel or metal when it is used for crafting.

If, whilst mining, you came across a source of Iron that was 100% in richness (ie, default), the base quality of the Iron would be quality 10.
If, whilst mining, you came across a source of Iron that was 275% in richness, the base quality of the Iron would be quality 26. (5% rounded to nearest 10th, +1 (4% would be 0)).

Likewise would be the event of a Jewel, as well as a Metal, such as Turquoise, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Moss Agate, Jasper, so forth.

Once a metal is mined out, it will appear as "Ore" to the unskilled eye. The more skilled you are, the more metals and jewels you will recognize and will be able to peddle them off to Metalsmiths and Appraisers for more.

For example!
If an advanced miner, who happens to be a useless Goldsmith, came across some "Ore" and it turned out to be Gold, he would not know. If he attempted to sell it to a very skilled Goldsmith, he would know it is gold. In which case, the Goldsmith would have the upper hand and say "No, no, no. This is junk. I'll give you a penny for it." The miner, knowing no better, might sigh and give it over.
The goldsmith would get away with then selling the gold for hundreds.

A metal goes to the realted ~smith. (Goldsmith, Silversmith, Brownsmith, Tinsmith, Bladesmith, Coinsmith, Fendersmith, Coppersmith, so forth).
A jewel goes to either a Lapidary or an Appraiser.

Metals can only be recognized by the related smith.
Jewels can only be recognized by Appraisers.

If an ore goes unrecognized, it will stay as "Ore" - this goes for both metals and jewels. In the name of fairness, they will not be smelterable till recognized. Or, at least, the player will run the risk of overheating or underheating the ore if they attempt to smelter an unrecognized ore - which can contaminate and ruin the contained metal or jewel's quality.


Appraising is a very important part of the game. And the player, in such a valued position is able to charge and make a living from it!

Appraisers can reveal the quality of not only Jewel Ores, but also of Relics and Antiques.

An appraiser, however, can only reveal the ore, relic or antique in question if his skill*3 is equal or more than the quality of the item in question.

Level 3 Appraiser = q9 Jewels/Relics/Antiques
Level 4 Appraiser = q12 Jewels/Relics/Antiques
Level 7 Appraiser = q21 Jewels/Relics/Antiques
Level 35 Appraiser = q105 Jewels/Relics/Antiques

So, whilst a Level 4 Appraiser can identify common ores (q10, which will be most of the ores ever found), a Level 3 cannot.

Now, I'm sure you're asking, what are Relics and Antiques?

Antiques can be found amongst Loot and, if you attempt to sell an unappraised Antique, it will only sell for 10.
Relics are like super-antiques and can be found in ruins, wrecks and ProjectTruth. They are unable to be sold, if they are unappraised.

Both of the above have a very, very small chance (0.01%, if not less!) of being found whilst Net-Fishing.

(Project Truth, if any of the older trackers remember, is a part of the game I will not reveal as to its nature - ever. Until you guys can work it out, of course.)


Lapidary is the practice of working with Jewels. That is, cutting and setting them.

Information on Roman Lapidary is very little, so much of what I am using for this time is a best-guess situation.

Once an Ore has been brought to a Lapidary, and recognized, it can be sold to the Lapidary (Unless, of course, the miner *is* the lapidary).
Once the Jewel has been recognized, the name will change. Tiger's Eye Ore. Quartz Ore. Amethyst Ore. Etc.

The Jewel must first be cut from the Ore, with a Hammer & Chisel. The chisel's quality affects the Jewel's quality.

(JewelQ + (ChiselQ/10))
q15 Amethyst Ore + (q32 Chisel) = q18 Raw Amethyst.

The then-called "Raw X" must then be refined and smoothed out. This is done with a series of rough "Wheels".
Each wheel is sand or diamond-dust encrusted. The Lapidary will, be hand, place the Raw X against the wheels and smooth out the unwanted chunks of rock. Meanwhile, an assistant - NPC or friend - will be using a nearby handle to keep the wheels turning.
There are, up to, five wheels on this contraption (which is designed by a player, if not the Lapidary himself, via a Masonry skill).

(JewelQ + (WheelQ/10))
q18 Raw Amethyst + (q21 Wheel) = q20 Raw Amethyst.

(JewelQ + (WheelQ/10))
q20 Raw Amethyst + (q7 Wheel) = q19 Raw Amethyst.

(JewelQ + (WheelQ/10))
q19 Raw Amethyst + (q47 Wheel) = q24 Raw Amethyst.

(JewelQ + (WheelQ/10))
q24 Raw Amethyst + (q10 Wheel) = q25 Raw Amethyst.

(JewelQ + (WheelQ/10))
q25 Raw Amethyst + (q26 Wheel) = q28 Raw Amethyst.

Once the "Raw X" is cut into "Cut X", the next phase happens.

The last wheel is covered in Felt. The jewel is first applied with a Tin Oxide solution, then smoothed out with the Felt Wheel.

(JewelQ + (FeltQ/10))
q28 Raw Amethyst + (q31 Felt) = q31 Amethyst.

This is the end product of the Jewel. From a humble chunk of q15 Rock, to a smoothed out pretty-looking q31 Amethyst. These are then often sold to Silversmiths or Goldsmiths, who turn them into jewelry.

If the jewel is processed into a masterpiece, it can be named - just like a weapon.

We will use the Amulet made by the Goldsmith below, so read that *now* if you want to see how the Gold Amulet was made.


Every +5 Quality of the craft allows +1 Jewel to be set into it. So a Q5 Golden Ring would allow only one Jewel, whilst a Q20 Golden Ring would allow +4 Jewels.

The setting of jewels must all be done at once - you must select which gems are to be added, and then added altogether to the craft, during Setting.

Our Amulet is Q16, allowing three Jewels. Let's say we have three Amethysts as above - Three q31 Amethysts.

GemQ + (Glue or Wax/8) = SetQ
Q31 Amethyst + (Q19 Wax) = (Q33.3) Q33 Set Amethyst

Craft Q + (Set X Q/5)
Golden Amulet Q16 + (Set Amethyst Q33/5) = q23 Golden Amulet
Golden Amulet Q23 + (Set Amethyst Q33/5) = q30 Golden Amulet
Golden Amulet Q30 + (Set Amethyst Q33/5) = q37 Golden Amulet

We are finished, with a Q37 Golden Amulet.


Goldsmithing is very similar to Weaponsmithing, as detailed in Development Update #015.

The Gold ore is first smelted into a Bar, then into a cast. These could be fragile slivers of long, thin metal, ready to be crafted into links or soldered into intricate details - or into round dishes, ready to be hammered into plates, and so forth.

In this case, however, we will be making an amulet.

Let's say our Q10 Gold Ore is now a handful of sticks of Gold. We would then file these down, so we have no random chips from the cast present sticking out of the stick.

GoldQ + (FileQ/8) = GoldQ
Q10 Gold + (q21 File) = (12.62) Q12 Gold

The filing process can be repeated over and over to increase the Gold Quality. However, at a random chance (More filing = Higher chance of happening), the Gold will snap, or break, and need to be smeltered to its original Quality again.

Then, the filed gold is then soldered and shaped into the intricate pattern we want on the amulet.

GoldQ + (Skill/5) = Gold CraftQ
Q12 Gold + (16 Goldsmith) = Q15 Golden Craft

The amulet is then polished down with Tin Oxide and Felt.

Gold CraftQ + (FeltQ/10) = Golden Amulet Q
Q12 Gold + (q41 Felt) = Q16 Golden Amulet

The job of the Goldsmith is now finished. The true increment of the Amulet's quality, however, is when it is given to the Lapidary to finish it off with a jewel or two.

Every +5 Quality of the craft allows +1 Jewel to be set into it. So a Q5 Golden Ring would allow only one Jewel, whilst a Q20 Golden Ring would allow +4 Jewels.
The setting of jewels must all be done at once, which i'm sure you know by now if you read Lapidary, above.


Woodcutting is fairly simple.

A tree's Age is randomly generated when the tree is generated in the area. The tree's HP is in accordance with its age.
Older trees = Longer time to cut them down.
Younger trees = Shorter time to cut them down.

Imagine a grand oak, vs a viney sapling, for example.

Strength * 1.8 = Chop. the Chop is what will be taken from the tree's HP, per chop.
The Woodcutter's skill decreases the time it takes him to cut the tree.
The Woodcutter's tool quality can affect the log's quality. (splintering, for example).


Fishing will be one of the simplest ways of acquiring food, but can also be a bustling trade for higher quality fish. Ergo, the fishing system must be quite diverse!

In essence:
((Skill * Intelligence) + RodQ + BaitQ + LineQ + HookQ) = Fishing Score
((Skill * Intelligence) + (NetQ * 4) = Fishing Score
Q = Quality

So, the higher quality tools you use, the higher your skill and the higher your intelligence will increase your fishing score.

The higher your fishing score, the better fish you will catch.

During fishing, you can either use a Rod or a Net - both of which can catch different fish. By using a net, you can catch fish (I use the term Fish lightly right here!) that do not bite - such as Lobsters and Clams.
Using a rod, however, catches fish that do bite.

I have yet to set the scores for the fish, but they will be in relation to their value. Fish caught will depend on location (Sea, VS Saltwater River VS Freshwater River VS Pond/Lake) and the time of year. All fish caught will be mediterranean, too (It is Italy, after all!).

Example fish are Barracuda, Cuttlefish, Eagle Ray, Fragile Brittlestar, Painted Comber, Moray Eel, Greater Forkbeard, Pipefish, Sea Bass and Blue Tuna.

The fish caught will have a random Quality and Size.


Butchering is very simple.

MeatQ * (skill+10 /10) /2 = Butchered MeatQ

Quality 10 meat
Butcher Skill Level 6

Q10 * (6+10 /10) /2 = (5.8) Q6 Butchered Meat.

Quality 32 Meat
Butcher Skill Level 21

Q32 * (21+10 /10) /2 = (49.6) Q50 Butchered Meat.

(To note: getting your skill levels above 20 will have to take a while, because most of the calculations throughout the game become slightly overpowered past level 30).

Writing & Publishing

This is one of my favourite skills in the game that I've come up with, so far, because of the interesting relation between a Writer and Publisher available.

First, let's go over what makes a "Good Book". A good book is a higher Quality book. Some player-writers will write their books simply to tell a good story, whilst others may "Specialize" a skill that they have into it. A better quality book will give the reader a better boost to either;

- In the case of a story-book = Mood
- In the case of a skill-book = One-shot Skill boost.

Now, here's the math behind it:

((Charisma + Skill) /2) + ((PaperQ + Writing InkQ) /2) = Content

(((Art InkQ + Art Skill) /2) + (CoverQ /2) /4)

Plain Ink: Art InkQ * 1
Coloured Ink: Art InkQ * 2

The artist will be able to choose between Plain and Coloured ink.

Paperback: CoverQ * 1
Leatherback: CoverQ * 2

The artist will be able to choose between a Paper or Leather cover.

Book Quality = (Content + Cover) /1.5

So, for example!

13 Charisma
5 Writing Skill
8 Artist Skill
Q14 Paper
Q17 Writing Ink
Q19 Coloured Ink
Q22 Leather

((13 + 5) /2) + ((14 + 17) /2) = ((9+15.5) /2 = 12.25) q12 content
(((Q17*2) + 8) /2) + (Q22*2) = ((21 + 44) /4 = 16.25) q16 content

(q12 + q16) /2 = (18.6) Q19 Book

...At least, I think that's right. The computer will work it out much quicker, and much faster, heh. But, that's the basic process.

Now, once a book is made, it needs to be published. A publisher must align himself with as many bookstores and traders as he can via contracts, so that he can publish the books.
The publisher can charge whatever he likes of the Writer, and sell them for whatever he likes.

A writer cannot publish his own books. This is to stop spam-book being released.
(Example, a q45 book called "Blacksmithing", which increases a blacksmithing skill. However, when somebody goes to read the inside of it, it is filled with advertising, spam, profanity, and so forth that the player has written into it.)

There will obviously be many publishers. Whilst some players have many contacts, and have high prices for high-profile writers (or rich low-profile writers!), there will be some publisher-players who have very few contacts and will charge much lower.

Now, what is to stop a publisher with many contacts from having a low prices, and destroying the game market for publishers? Selling price. Each store will ask the publisher to pay X for each book in the contract, as a Tax fee, so to speak. The more contracts he has, the more he has to pay - ergo, to make a profit, he must ask for more from the writers.

So, what is the process of a Writer and Publisher?

Source > Process > Sale.

Writer > Publisher > Store.

The Writer pays 200 to a Publisher, to publish it.
The publisher gains 200 from the Writer. He publishes it to 5 stores, each charging 30. The publisher makes a profit of 50.
The Store sells the book for 100. The contract between the Publisher and the Store states that 50% of the profits of the book come back to the Publisher, and 50% to the store. The store makes 50. The publisher then splits the profits he makes (also 50) by 50% with the writer.

The writer makes a profit of 25 per book, but costs him 200 to publish it.
-200 Publish (To Publisher)
+25 a Book (From Publisher)
Net Profit: -175

The publisher makes a profit of 25 per book, and +50 (200-150) for publishing.
+200 Publish (From Writer)
-150 Publish (To Store(s))
(+50 Publish)
+50 a Book (From Store)
-25 a Book (To Writer)
(+25 a Book)
Net Profit: +75

The store makes a profit of 50 per book, and +30 for publishing.
+30 Publish (From Publisher)
+100 a Book (From Customer)
-50 a Book (To Publisher)
(+50 a Book)
Net Profit: +80

Whilst the Writer loses out, the above is only for one book. After several, successful, books, he will gain more money.
The publisher can make alot of initial money by publishing many books, and even more by publishing successful books.
The Store makes most of their money by accepting new books and by selling books to customers.

The Writer and Store never really need to interact.

Now, what if a Publisher doesn't care about the quality/content of the book? Well, a player can "Report" a book. After so-many reports, the book is taken off the shelf, the publisher is charged, and the Writer could be fined or sentenced (As close to an in-game ban as you can get! Read more below).

Poleturning, Bowyering & Wood Quality

Poleturning and Bowyering both use wood as their main craft, and so, are quite alike.

Poleturning is the ability of making poles, for weapons.

Wood Q + (Skill/10)
q16 Wood + (13 Poleturner) = (17.3) q17 Pole

If a Metalsmith had made a q52 Spearhead...

(PoleQ/2) + Spearhead Q
(Pole Q8.5) + Spearhead Q52 = q61 Spear


Bowyering is a simple process. The wood is cut and the string is attached.

WoodQ + (Skill/10) + (StringQ/2)
Q16 Wood + (12/10 Bowyer) + (Q19/2 String) = (16 + 1.2 + 9.5) q27 Bow


Wood quality is dependant upon the tools used to cut the wood. Lower quality tools = Lower quality wood.

If you cut a tree down with a chipped axe, and then saw the lumber with an uneven saw, you're going to be killing the quality.
Vice versa is a vice versa affect, naturally.

Skinning, Curing & Tanning

I was really lucky to catch on TV how the Domesday Book was made, and the process of the leathermaking for the parchment (That sounds really, really basement-dweller...), and this aiding me in how Skining, Curing and Tanning works. Ancient methods, however, I googled. I wish I hadn't. Keep reading.

First, the skin requires to be cut from the corpse.

(Skill*1.5) + (Skinning Knife Q/3)
(12 Skill*1.5) + (Q12/3) = Q22 Skin

The skin is then put through the Curing process.

This process is when the Skin is soaked in Salt Water to stop protein Decay.

SkinQ + (SaltQ/10) = Cured SkinQ
Q22 Skin + (q10 Salt/10) = Q23 Cured Skin

Then, this is the Icky bit, the Cured Skin is put through a Tanning process.

First, the tough, inner layer of skin must be scraped off with a scouring brush.
Secondly, the skin must be soaked in Urine or an Alkaline Lime, to weaken the hairs.
At this point, the skin is stretched across a special frame.
Thirdly, the hairs must be scraped off with a knife.
Lastly, the skin is beaten with Dung or a Brain Solution so it soaks in.
At this point, the skins, still in the frames, are left in a Drying Room to dry out, into Leathers.

I think.

All needs verifying, but i'm pretty sure that's how it works. I may have the Cure + Tanning process the wrong ways around. (Tan, then Cure / Cure, then Tan).

Cured SkinQ + (Scourer Q/10) = Cured SkinQ
Cured SkinQ + (Urine or Alkaline Lime Q/10) =Cured SkinQ
Cured SkinQ + (Scraping Knife Q/10) = Cured SkinQ
Cured SkinQ + (Dung or Brain solution Q/10) = Cured SkinQ

Q22 Skin + (q21 Scourer/10) = Q24 Skin
Q24 Skin + (q10 Urine/10) = Q25 Skin
Q25 Skin + (q13 Scraping Knife/10) = Q26 Skin
Q26 Skin + (q29 Brain Solution/10) = Q29 Skin

After the skins have dried out, you will have Q29 Leather.

Now, Urine and Dung are always Q10. Brains can be increased in Quality by a Butcherer, whilst Alkaline Lime can be increased by... Well, I havn't done that part, yet.
However, Urine and Dung are easily collected, whilst a tanner may have to pay to gain decent brains and Alkaline Lime.
Urine was, according to a couple of sources, gathered by "Piss-Pots" that are left on the streets. People urinate into these, when they wish to relieve themselves, and the urine is then collected - Go Donated Economy!

I won't go into how Dung is easily collected. It's fairly obvious.


Cooking will likely be my tradeskill, when I play the game. I love cooking, and there will be plenty of recipes available for it!

This took me a while to work it out, but I finally got it. There are three phases to cooking;

Pre-Cooked Ingredients
Cooking Ingredients
Post-cooked Ingredients

Precooking ingredients are raw ingredients or pre-made igredients used, such as flour, raisins and fruit.
Cooking ingredients are the product of the added-together precooking Ingredients, which are put into an oven, pan, saucer, and so forth.
Post-cooked ingredients are things added at the end, such as spices.

For this Example, we will use Honey Biscuits (Actual Roman Recipe);

Egg, Olive Oil, Salt, Pepper, Flour and Grape juice.
First, the egg, olive oil, salt and pepper are added to the flour to form a dough, the grape juice is then added to it before cooking.
This adds to 6 ingredients.

(EggQ + Olive OilQ + SaltQ + PepperQ + FlourQ + Grape JuiceQ) /6
(12 + 15 + 13 + 9 + 27 + 21) /6 = (16.16) 16

Because there are six ingredients, the added qualities are divided by 6. If there is only one ingredient, the minimum final division here is /2 - this is a rule-of-thumb for all three processes.

Next, the dough is cut, pasted in Olive Oil, then simmered in a pan.

(PanQ + Olive OilQ) /2
(23 + 15) /2 = 19

The above process requires the player to keep an eye on the timing and temperature, so as not to burn the product. Through this, the player is only able to reduce the Quality, if his timing is off. If it is spot on, however, the quality will equal the product quality, advised above (19).

Let's say the player burns his biscuits a little. = -5

Finally, honey is heated in a saucepan. The biscuits are then dipped in this. (Mmmm...)

(SaucepainQ + HoneyQ) /2
(21 + 7) /2 = 14

The three final numbers are then added together... (44)

Finally, they are divided by the number of processes (Pre, Cooking and Post) (3).

So. 44 / 3 = q15 Honey Biscuits.



This skill is still under debate, but this is what i've come up with so far, to make it interesting.

An Archict is somebody who is practiced in Architecture. That is to say, construction.

"Players will be able to design their own buildings. The cost of resources and types of constructions & Materials available, will depend on the Architect's Skill.
As a note; the player should be able to spend a great Deal^ of money on a Mason's Guild to build them a psecialise building as a headquarters for the player's guild or group.
This order goes through to the Moderating and Admin's team, who will hand-craft the castle/fort/manor/guildhall/so forth by hand."

^ = Millions

As you can imagine, this is a prestigious thing to happen, and should be very hard to acquire the funds for, even for a group of advanced players. Otherwise, the moderators/admins will be swamped with requests and be unable to serve.
Saying that, if the game popularity were to be in the hundreds-of-thousands, this feature may have to be removed/automated/handled-by-players.


The Retinue is the player's party. The followers. His allies. Comrades-in-arms. His Men (And women!). So forth.

The Retinue can be purely One player and Five NPCs, Six players, or a mixture. We will go on the example that the Retinue is one man and his five NPCs.

NPCs have needs, skills, equipment and bags. Whilst they can be used, in a retinue, to carry more stuff and aid with warfare, healing and crafting, they also need to be looked after;

- Hunger
Companions will need to Eat. If they starve, they may leave the Retinue and head home.
- Thirst
Companions will need to Drink. If they dehydrate terribly, they may leave the Retinue and head home.
- Hygiene
Companions will like to wash. If left to be stinky, they will not leave because of it, but it will affect their mood.
- Bladder
Companions will need to "excuse" themselves. They may wander off into the brush, or behind a tree, then quickly rejoin you. You can call a "Bio Break" whilst travelling, where everybody will empty themselves, if they need to.
- Social
Companions might need to socialise. Whilst some are quite content, in their Stoic Behaviour, not to talk at all, some may need some company in conversation. If you have multiple NPCs, they may talk to each other. If you are alone with a single companion, talk to him once in a while.
- Mood
Companions have moods, too, y'know. The little things in life could boost this, such as excitement, winning a fight, gambling, or just a nice bit of sleep. If their mood decreases to a terrible point, they may leave the Retinue and head home.
- Temperature
Companions can get too cold and too hot. However, they will handle this themselves, for the most part. They may take off their shirt, or put on an extra coat from their bag. Unless, of course, you demand that they keep their heavy, hot armour on, due to expecting an attack. Overly cold or Overly hot will cause their mood to decrease faster - just like it does to yours.
- Vulnerability
Companions can feel vulnerable. For example, if a death of another companion happened recently, if he was hurt one way or another, was caused to flee from a battle or if they are homeless. Some NPCs may naturally be paranoid, causing them to feel vulnerable often. If this decreases, they will lose trust in you.
- Trust
Companions can trust and distrust you. Distrust can happen for many reasons; vulnerability, as described above, for one. Otherwise, conflicting ethics in action, conflicting decisions, if the people are ignored or unused or are abandoned in the middle no where for a long time. These will cause the Companions to leave and head home.

The Retinue, however, counts only as those who are currently in your "Party", and following you. You can tell them to head back, or take them yourself, to your Headquarters.
The maximum amount of NPCs you can have at your headquarters is capped by the space you have there, and some-other cap I will have to place in so that the world isn't empty of NPCs, due to them all being whored out to other players, causing an inability for other players to gain new friend NPCs!

Banning + Game Punishment

Every game has its share of advertisers, spambots, griefers and so forth. However, rather than being locked out of the game...
You are sent to in-game Jail. For the period of banning that you receive, depending on your "Crime", your character is locked in a Jail for so-many in-game days, unable to contact with others via "Guild" or "Private" chat. You can only access the Game-chat. This means you can only talk to friends if they visit you in jail.
In the case of a spambot, continuing to spam, they will be warned by NPC Guards for misbehaviour, and may be locked into Solitary confinement or "Gagged".

You can of course just keep logged out for this period of time. Or, you can stick around and experience Jail.
A character's needs will continue to fall during their stay in Jail, but you are given crappy food and have basic need-replenershers available, such as a straw Bed, smelly toilet, grubby sink, so forth.
The memory also goes down into your experiences, and you may gain an "ability" for it.

Repeat or grevious offenders will be sentenced to Execution - meaning the death of their character.

If the player continues to create new "spambots" and such, that will be a player offence - not a character offence - and will be banned out-of-game for it.

Besides, who knows, the player might be able to attempt a Jail Break-out, or trade in drugs and "favours" in Jail, eh? We'll see what we can do!

And that's it, for now! I've also been meddling in Business, but it's a complicated system and I don't want to say too much on it for now.

Programming Update

Due to complications, I have had to let go of Rose.

However, I will be entering into a contract some time this week with a new programmer. The contract will hold him to at-the-very-least draw up a Core engine in C#, solely for Project Terra, and hold me to payment for him and his services.
He's also confident in being able to produce a detailed changelog so we can finally get the Programming Update to give some updates, eh?

Project Insider

The Web Designer is still working on the website!

Also, the Website will be linked with the Game, so that players will only need to use one username + Password to get around, with Project Terra.

This Week's Q&A

None this Week!
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Urch - - 120 comments

I'm going to learn a hell of a lot with this game, I think I'll give the tanning a miss ;). Keep up the epic work. Gaelic Architect here I come!

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Konsty - - 6 comments

This is an immense update. Two big thumbs up :)

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Azkanan Author
Azkanan - - 329 comments


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