Post news Report RSS Developing Diary Part 3: National focus and map

Well , I returned from vocation (for which you did not even know) Ok let's get to the point, here's another update on my work on the project!

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Discord: Stalker#2457

Hello everyone, in this update I added many new countries to Africa and new states, I also worked on some tricks, the most important thing is that I already have a well-developed line of France, I eat, there are already some events that I will most likely change in the future, but at the moment I'm not going to change them.

Prologue of the Situation in Africa: After the civil wars in the Middle East ended, aggression and these wars moved to Africa, after the crisis of 2035 came Africa became a battlefield between the super powers (but there was no formal war between the powers but there was a cold war) after Nigeria began to seize (but Nigeria merged some territories) The Congo was the same, but it lost the war with Kenya and captured only the Republic of Congo. Senegal and the dlavor created a pact and they compete with each other, Egypt and Sudan created their own faction and created a new country of saccharine. But in central Africa, everything is much more complicated: in Zimbabwe, Angola, Zambia and Mozambique, military coups have occurred and now there are 7 new countries that want each other's territory.

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Focus tree: (in development)

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The Prologue of France: In France, the situation is more stable but it can collapse at any time, this is the most unstable country in Europe and this has happened for the conflict of interests and religion, it is operated by some groups that want to seize power like: the Islamic French Front, the French Socialist Community and the nationalist the movement of France.

Civil War: (in development)

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Focus tree: (in development)

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Events: (in development)

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Prologue about the situation in China: In China, the situation is also not calm, corruption reigns in it, post crisis and crisis in the army. And in 2055, China decided that the situation did not escalate into a civil war, create a protectorate of regional provinces, formally this is all the Chinese territory, but it is autonomous.

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Focus tree: (in development)

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That's it, the next time I'll be puffed up to finish some aspects of this project and make the first release, wait for July 31, I wish everyone good luck and see you!

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