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Multiple demonstrational videos are included in this new post, stay tuned for more...

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This is a big, huge news update, so listen up... This is an updated Gameplay Video, scroll down a bit in order to see it.

Let's get down to the basics: FE is two Mods (You can probably call the older one "SMOD: First Encounter" and the other the actual "Unit 648: First Encounter). One side of it is a testing SMOD side where we decide and test on what weapons, enemies, and gameplay we are aiming for. That side is released already, so go try it at your own risk. That is the HL2 Mod portion. The other side is NON-SMOD and is where this Mod actually is, on the OB Engine. So please kindly 'STFU' and let us make the decisions here. We control this section of ModDb. I know we sound a bit harsh when we say it, but that's because we have a hard time trying to understand the confusion ourselves. The screenshots and the videos are from the SMOD portion, and I know most of you are probably confused but the new base is not even ready for screenshots or anything as of this moment.

Plus, it decided to crash on me after I made some changes, so I need to get that looked at. Meanwhile, don't be an idiot, read the news, and get caught up. The Alpha released was made for developers/beta testers and just because it has features from another Mod does NOT mean it was supposed to be final. All credits go that author for putting his/her hard work into it.

1. Old Beta Demonstration (lulz he died on Easy):

Please, stay tuned for more news updates, gameplay videos, and upcoming mod feature announcements. Until next time, stay tuned.

UPDATE: We are gonna get some screenshots of the new base Campaign in a while, and until that happens, everything is currently in strict Alpha Development. The 'Old Alpha' is playable for now, but that is not final and I cannot give my word on where we are gonna go yet. Sorry for the confusion, this was a really bad Mod start we received and we are working hard to get back on track.

Post comment Comments
Velancious - - 1,978 comments

Lol, you played on Easy you chicken ****... I laughed when he died at the end of the last video.

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AdrianL1996 Author
AdrianL1996 - - 467 comments

C'mon, I couldn't see where they were shooting from.

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Velancious - - 1,978 comments

You played on Easy, dude. Play on a harder mode and it gets a shitton tougher where they throw grenades at you and make your life a living hell lol...

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SolidFake - - 1,200 comments

rofl, calm down dude
better at when developers put in all the cheats to demonstrate something

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pupkin - - 1,181 comments

Yea, and I mean, Valve plays on Easy at presentations, as well...

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Jeffman12 - - 1,475 comments

The point of a demo is to get as much in as possible without having to worry about too many variables that can interfere and cause the presentation to require multiple sittings. He's showing some of what the player can expect, not competing for a pro-gaming championship. And guess what, you can pretend a difficulty setting makes you a better gamer, but you don't fight bots in a competition, so there's no valid comparison or reason to get on someone's case like that.

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blahblahblah12333 - - 526 comments

This has SMOD written all over it (exact same font, font color, stamina bar, free aiming, kicking, blood effects, etc).

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AdrianL1996 Author
AdrianL1996 - - 467 comments

"I know some of you people are believing we took the iron sight views and such from SMOD, I would like to point out that NOTHING in this mod is from SMOD, nothing. You have no right to accuse us or blame us for taking features from SMOD, as we did not. All the iron sight views were programmed from our programmer and leader, Brandon, all the weapons and animations were found on FPSBanana and GMOD, and all the models were hexed by our modeler."

The mod was based off of SMOD at one point, but even then, SMOD was made to be modded off of anyway, so no harm, no foul. We are slowly pushing away from the SMOD similarities, to avoid any unneeded criticism or accusations.

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ArchyFP - - 25 comments

you guys remade SMOD, i don't know what else to say

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AdrianL1996 Author
AdrianL1996 - - 467 comments

You don't have to say anything, you have to read what I've been explaining to these people...

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Xylemon - - 2,677 comments

You should show it off when evrything SMOD is removed then. Right now, it just looks like a dumb clone.

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Xylemon - - 2,677 comments

Nice my other comment is now just gone.

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Xylemon - - 2,677 comments

Nice my other comment is now just gone.

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Velancious - - 1,978 comments

Stop spamming, I deleted them. And why did you make 2 more pointless comments after I deleted one you just spammed...again...

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Jeffman12 - - 1,475 comments

Obsidian Conflict has the same font, lets all go over to their forums and start flaming.

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Velancious - - 1,978 comments

Yeah, IDK why people get all hissy fit just because I used the same font. Look at SMOD: Outbreak, they used a different font and it is still SMOD.

Dunno why, because I like the blue font, because whenever I think of Metro-Cops or any Combine Unit; the color blue just pops up.

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SPY-maps - - 2,910 comments

wow wow wow, please keep the peace people!!!
please just believe this guy when he tells us that nothing is taken from SMOD, or show some prove. just accusing him is not done.
and even when it does look like SMOD then i still don't see the problem. SMOD is great and therefore this will be too for that reason.
although i do think it's a good decision to configure everything yourself so it will look less or not at all as SMOD.

please give these makers a chance, and wait with a final judgment till they have released it, for now it's a work in progress and we just have to thank them for all the time and effort that they put in this project.
it's o so easy to talk bad about projects, why do so, just to hurt the makers of it? because such comments do hurt, even when they are wrong. as modder you try to do you're best to offer the community a new mod, for that alone we should be polite to them.

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SolidFake - - 1,200 comments

you're the man, and that's a comment I like to read! :)

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[MI]Stalk - - 218 comments

Good ol' Spy still alive. =P Nice point.

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Maninblue999 - - 103 comments

This mod looks awesome, i dont give a **** if it looks like SMOD or if it tooks parts from it, as long as they dont say it is their own.

All that matters is that it is good.

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Cremat0r - - 6,885 comments

Completely feels like a SMOD - that's no bad point, SMODs are good for much fun.
Btw, you played on easy? Lolol...

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xXMaNiAcXx - - 4,807 comments

Man, just search the SMOD: Tactical forums and you can get everything that there is on this mod, thirdperson is already there, just like this, the iron sights, the weapons, etc.

"Shut up, we didn't copy SMOD"
Yes you did, and if you really didn't, I saw those soldier skins at, as well as the blood.

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Cremat0r - - 6,885 comments

lol, which one of them said they didn't copy it?
I mean, even blind ppl see that it's totally SMOD.

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Velancious - - 1,978 comments

Adrian made these videos and uploaded them showing off the wrong content. The guns taken from SMOD: Redux were tests as well and the only thing that makes them necessary is I forgot to take them out. I doubt he actually knew what was going on when he showed off these videos so no need to start accusing.

What is really being tested here is the guns and the NPCs. We are trying to see what we want in the final (there will be no SMOD involved on the OB Engine FFS, this has been stated a million times and so have we said this is on SMOD).

It's like talking to 3 year olds who don't listen to what is being said. So let me make this clear:

Old Beta = Heavily modified SMOD
New Beta = OB Engine Mod

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wazanator - - 761 comments

"all the weapons and animations were found on FPSBanana and GMOD"

And yet you don't give the people who made those any credit. If your going to use another persons work include them in the credits, it doesn't matter if you say things like "well were not claiming it as our own so we don't need to mention them".

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Velancious - - 1,978 comments

Ugh, dude. I really don't wanna get into this. If you looked back at the Beta release, you will notice that I did give credit.

I don't want to be mean because you can't ******* read, but, you need to seriously dig up actual facts next time.

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wazanator - - 761 comments

You shouldn't have to go digging to find the credits they should be right there on the summary page

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Velancious - - 1,978 comments

They were right there on the Old Beta release, where they SHOULD be.

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Kriegsherr - - 557 comments

Every time some1 on a game reloads a P90 by shoving the ammo clip on the lower part of the gun a kitty dies :p

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Unknown12345678900 - - 1,479 comments

Too true...

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DevonWargod - - 15 comments

I love how we seem to need to know how ironsights works.

Even though it's in just about... oh I don't know.... EVERY game.

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Velancious - - 1,978 comments

Yeah, I'm sorry. I was joking with him lol... I wanted him to play on a harder Mode so it might look like a challenge.

From what I saw, on the last video he died so...noobishly. Anyone notice that lol?

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dave_5430 - - 2,114 comments

Who the **** cares if it's stolen or not it looks good so ******* do a barrel roll and die.

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Velancious - - 1,978 comments

I like barrel rolls? XD

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AdrianL1996 Author
AdrianL1996 - - 467 comments


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Velancious - - 1,978 comments

Hey, I know this is off-topic but...


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attackzone974 - - 346 comments

so the smod thingy is just for testing right?

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Velancious - - 1,978 comments

Yeah, it's playable, even though it was really meant for the developers to mess with and to decide what we want to go with. In the end, it did its job, but caused a crapload of confusion as seen above.

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