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Update: City Of The Damned

Damned City - An infographic by the team at TLCindie

Let's talk more about the project.

Damned nation is a FPS survival game for PC and at a later point android (Tegra 4).

The prologue.

It is 2025 when a Plague of biblical proportion spreads through out the globe.

You are Michael Mendez a computer programmer working for the worlds largest technology company creating high tech artificial limbs. When the outbreak floods the Lab, you barricade yourself in the testing facility where you find the a prototype that is key to your survival. After surviving the outbreak you find a safe haven but not for long.

You will travel the world cleaning up one city at a time using stealth or firepower to survive.
You will gain experience from every kill unlocking new weapons and enhancements to aid you in the fight.

Using enhancements will drain your overall experience gained so use them wisely. There will also be a co-op mode FORTIFY this mode allows players to salvage and fortify an entire city street to survive unlimited waves of walkers.

Thank you for your support so far.

HaMM4R - - 77 comments

Looks pretty good! Tracking.

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