Post news Report RSS Coop, Funny hunt and new menu

Friends, we prepared for you big update. Below is a brief list of the major changes: - Basic co-op mode where up to three survivors trying to escape. But rescue capsules is not enough at all; - Singleplayer mode "Funny Hunt", in which you become a monster and you can kill all the humans; - As well as an updated, interactive menu and arts gallery. The new modes are testing and we will make changes to them based on your feedback.

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Friends, we prepared for you big update. Below is a brief list of the major changes:
- Basic co-op mode where up to three survivors trying to escape. But rescue capsules is not enough at all;
- Singleplayer mode "Funny Hunt", in which you become a monster and you can kill all the humans;
- As well as an updated, interactive menu and arts gallery.
The new modes are testing and we will make changes to them based on your feedback.
Have a scary-fun nights



Funny Hunt

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