Post news Report RSS Confirmed Gametypes and further news

Team Dire has been reviewing what we would like to see happen with the Dire mod. We came up with all the gametypes we will sport in Dire and I think people will be pleased. Dire will have the following: - Single Player - Not much has been told about the storyline, but no worries, I could actually write

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Team Dire has been reviewing what we would like to see happen with the Dire mod. We came up with all the gametypes we will sport in Dire and I think people will be pleased. Dire will have the following:

- Single Player - Not much has been told about the storyline, but no worries, I could actually write down the entire storyline and surprises right now......but that's a secret ^_^.

- Online Co-op - One thing I will let people in on about the storyline is that there is a swat team on duty when the initial outbreak happens in the city and they seem to hold their own. In the single player campain, you will occasionally meet up with these guys and recieve help/items. Our online co-op mode will show you exactly what hell the swat team goes through and how they managed to meet up with you. No story gaps here!

- Evac Mode - This is my personal favorite! To put it in simple terms. We map out a huge city. You can go in every house, every room, do ANYTHING you could in real life. Problem is, you have to move quickly to the other side of this ruined city with your teammates while being hunted by an ever spawning amount of hybrids. Trust me, the odds are stacked in their favor, no yours.

- Survial Mode - This is the mode that the first release of Dire is going to use. Basically we pit you in a small town and let loose a large amount of enemies on you. Stick together with your friends and try not to die too much of a painful death. Last 20-30 (server sets the specific time) and you win. Dont last, and you can ghost your friends as they follow the same fate.

- Team Deathmatch - Heres your chance to see how they enemy sees you! Play as the different types of enemies we have in the game against human players. May the best team win!

- Deathmatch - Classic Deathmatch will NOT be ignored! I love it, people love it, who wouldn't? Anyway, this will definitly be in the game. Be a hybrid or be a human and duke it out against a large group of people.

- I know I constantly say that Dire is going to be original and that we are throwing original ideas into our mod. Some people may wonder what they these things are....and others may think I am full of crap. Well FEAR NOT! I will share something we are putting in to scare the likes of you, while giving you a new experience at the same time. One thing is our radio chat. We have made a constant looping static sound. This sound is applied to all the in game radios for multiplayer modes (except the deathmatches). Depending on how far or close you are to the person radioing you, the volume on the static turns higher or lower. Heres an example: Your playing survival mode. You found a general store on the street and barricaded yourself in. Hybrids cought scent of you and are attempting to find alternate routes in and also bust your barricade. You try to call for help over the radio but the only nearest person is 2 blocks away. At that distance, the volume could be up as high as 70% for the static, and you may not be able to hear him well. He that person where to move in the other direction, the volume will go higher up. If he moves toward you, the volume will go down. This is a way to give you a more realistic experience while also adding a very real depth of fear and panic.

Last thing I would like to add is that we really need people to start giving us feedback. If people could leave some comments on things they would like to see in the game we would appreciate it. This isnt because I am out of ideas [-_-] or anything, it is because I want this experience to be as personal to the gamer as possible. You know when you buy a game and you love it but there is just that one thing wrong with it that makes you say "man, if I made this game, I would have SO done this!." Well, I don't want you saying that! So make sure to tell us what you want to see, and we will attempt to do everything we can with your requests.

Team Dire is also looking for skilled members in the following feilds: Modeling, Mapping, Skinning, Animating, Graphics, concept. If you have some skill or a lot of skill, we can work with you and also teach you a thing or two. We have a great fun team but we just need more power behind us to get this all done quicker. We stay extremely organized and work great together so if you are interested, please private message me or e-mail me.


-Team Dire

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