One of the new gameplay assets will be class specials. Each player class will have its own custom special abilities that enhance its tactical use over the variety of weapons. While we’re not giving away too much at this point, one of our player classes will feature a stimpack that the player can use on himself or friendly players.
Wolfclaw created a set of five concepts for the Imperial stimpack and now, it’s your turn! Which of the designs would you like to see ingame? Vote in the comments section by mentioning the number of the draft shown in the image, e.g. “#1″.
The voting will last until saturday 12th and will be carried out right here, on our website and our facebook fanpage simultaneously.
I'm gonna have to go with #3 mostly because the others look too much like hand guns.
Well... They look too smooth know what I mean? They look more like half star wars half portal designs or something else futuristic. The thing about the star wars universe that attracts me is that everything doesn't have futuristic designs (except for some of the stuff in the prequels... ugh). Imo it needs more of an edgy look.
If #5 wasn't smooth and had those lines and circles I'd go with that, but the closest right now to something I like is probably #3
I don't think #3 could look correct in a field enviroment.
Something like #1 is vote from me.
I also like #2's similar design but prefer #1.
Nice work guys.
I think #1 looks more like a part of healing equipment such as a chest paddle if it was wide enough but that that's just my opinion
Exactly what I was thinking.
I'm going to go with number 2
1 is cool, and 3 (without needle)
nice work.
Whoa, I thought you lot were a dead mod. So whats with the new post? Whats the news on the mods state?
Still think 5 is the best.
#3 looks good and could fit in troopers pockets
the others are too big to be stimpacks and dificult to auto-inject
I like #1 the best. However, I think you should combine the actual needle of #2 with #1, and make #1's grip space a little larger. It looks a too small for a hand to fit into.
I like #2. #4 IMO looks to much like a power drill
#2 & #4 both look like power drills to me.
Stimpack? o.0 Maybe better to use native bactatank first aid container? Like in all JK series. And here is idea(lol) for hero class http:/
Number 2.
#3 but with a shorter needle. combat is serious ****, and something that long and skinny will get broken off really easily.
#2 looks the coolest!
Going with #2.
Choosing #2
5 is the best
5 / 4
I like how #1 & #3 downplay resemblance to guns.
I like how #1 & #2 downplay the needles. Needles seem somewhat low-tech.
I like how #3 & #5 seem to be the most efficient use of space.
I'd have to say #3, though I'd prefer it without the needle.
#2 it is
#1 3urhsdiukfhsdf