Post news RSS Changing the game shows in GooglePlay

Bad news... June 21 Google again broke everything. Now your game will download more for less!

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June 21 Google something very seriously changed in Google Play. Since then, the "Similar games" section and similar ones have completely broken down. They don't show what you have, and show you what I got. Mostly popular games from major developers, and it is not related to the game, they should be similar.

The most important thing is that a huge number of indie games are no longer displayed in these sections, because of this very much reduced their load.

This is about our game Swordbreaker and here is a new Trivia Quiz: All about everything!... At Swordbreaker the number of installations immediately fell by half! And the Trivia Quiz: All about everything!, and it does not rise particularly up...

How much can you break everything? Instead of indie games to give more impressions at the start, they again spoil everything... Because of this, in the tops always hang paid games, and poor indie developers without buying installations break out in the tops is almost not real. Only if you're lucky somehow.

That's the news, friends. Check your installation schedules too.)

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