Hello and welcome to the 17th update of Casus Belli.
First, we would like to say a big THANK YOU to all people who voted for Casus Belli in the MOTY 2011. We really appreciate that you like the mod. But it's just the beginning as the MOTY phase II has now started. If you want to support us and to bring up many players to come and play the mod, you can click on picture below and vote for the mod: As we said in last update, it is our pleasure to present you a new 5 minutes gameplay video of Casus Belli shot in December 2011 which will show you the "Advance And Secure" game mode on the Island map. You will discover the Medic class, the purchase menu and new weapons and items. Also, you will see that players can now fall on the ground whenever explosions occur close to them. They might also drop their weapon under certain circumstances. Eventually, you will probably notice that we worked on the weapons sounds and that we tweaked their recoil and spread values to make them harder to use. We would like to point out again that Casus Belli is currently Open Beta, so you can easily test it. How ? All you need to do is register on the forum , visit the Casus Belli Open Beta installation instructions page and follow the instructions provided. You will find links for downloading the Crysis Wars Trial version that is actually working fine with mods. And if you have never seen the CryEngine2 in action, you can seize the opportunity by playing Casus Belli!
You will see the gas grenade that is suitable for killing campers on the one hand, and the gas mask that protects against the latter, on the other hand.
Looks alot like the Battlefield series, awesome!
I keep forgetting to attend the god damn betas lol
Meh, sound is half the immersion, atm there is no, sounds like airsoft with some background explosions :/ Otherwise looks good. But definately need a lot of work on weapons, char, environment sounds.
I think background battle in games is kind of annoying, especially when its meant to be realistic... if you only have the weapon sounds of other players its a lot more realistic and easier to locate where weapons are being fired from..
True the backsound is realy annoying in game..
looks awesome worth tryin it!