Post news RSS Carriers, Cruisers and Battleships

In what is likely to be the last news update for a while, I would like to present the heavy end of the airship spectrum. Firstly the Cruiser and its bigger brother the Battleship, both of whom will prove a serious source of pain for many of the other airships. Secondly The Carrier and Battle-Carrier.

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In what is likely to be the last news update for a while, I would like to present the heavy end of the airship spectrum. Firstly the Cruiser and its bigger brother the Battleship, both of whom will prove a serious source of pain for many of the other airships. Secondly The Carrier and Battle-Carrier. While the former is a self explanatory production and resourcing craft (as in Homeworld 2) the latter forgoes its airship production facilities for greater firepower and reduced cost allowing several of them to be scattered about as strikecraft production points.

While the response of most gamers to the mod so far has been fantastic real life obligations force me to focus on other things for the next two weeks. While I will still be working on A Wing And A Prayer at weekends the rate of work understandably likely to slow.

DrZais Author
DrZais - - 293 comments

Cheers all,
I've already registered on the Relic dev network but yet to sort out a comprehensive post to give people an idea of exactly what the mods about.

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pvtbones - - 20 comments

looks great as usual. thumbs up

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SinKing - - 3,119 comments

Can you limit the sky? Strange question, I know and i never played HW2 (except a demo I think - I played HW). I always felt there is a lot of space in homeworld, but its not always really needed and can getconfusing at times when you are trying to keep your ships together. I ended up making groups out of everything and this organizing my fleet took to long and you have to redo it when you lose ships. So can you somehow limit the size and make it more detailed and with a planet surface underneath? I think this won't make much sense if its homeworld with blimps. It must have some other benefit. The ships might not rise as fast in the higher speres or the likes. A lot may be done, it just mustn't have that out-of-space-fell that Homeworld has.

I like the carriers. I will model some more, this time with XSI. Hope you will like it!


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Darkcraft - - 161 comments

You think you could fit any more guns on that?

Haha looks hot though, show us some renders soon please!

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Mefusta - - 12 comments

Have you spoken up on Tanis Shipyards over on Relic's boards? If not, might I suggest you do so ASAP, as the veterans over there might really be able to help you refine your ideas and see what works and what doesn't.

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nomichi - - 23 comments

SinKing, have you posted your models anywhere? I would like to see the 3d rendition :)

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