Post news Report RSS Bushido Katana skinning competition

I am pleased to announce the opening of the Bushido Katana skinning competition. Yes folks, now is the time that you can contribute to Bushido. We are having a competition to see who can create the best skins for the Katana used in Bushido. Rules and files can be found below. RulesYou may enter as many

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I am pleased to announce the opening of the Bushido Katana skinning competition. Yes folks, now is the time that you can contribute to Bushido. We are having a competition to see who can create the best skins for the Katana used in Bushido. Rules and files can be found below.

You may enter as many entries as you like.
All entries must have the skin files included on the enclosed katana.mdl file. For more information on how to do this see below.
All skin files should also be included with the katana.mdl file.
The model must not be edited in any way.
The skin files must stay the same size as they are received when entered. However while editing the files it is advised to enlarge them in order to gain more detail, then resize once complete.
The entry must be an original piece of work. Entering a photo resized is strictly prohibited.
All entries should be sent to in a zip file.

What we're looking for
Entries will be judged on relevance (how relevant the design is to the time period of the mod) and artistic style. Originality isn't a prerequisite, but is welcomed. If references were used then please also include them with the submitted files.

Please note that the most extravagant submission won't necessarily win.

We will choose three successful entries as winners and those winners' entires will appear in the mod on a specific class. We may also choose some runners up whose works may make it into the mod in some shape or form.

Entrants are encouraged to submit screenshots of their work on the Bushido modelling forum.

All entries should be sent to in a zip file.

Download the source files here!

The closing date will be roughly a month from today. Good luck!

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