With 8 Months of Beta, over 1.5 million players and 7,000 discord members - Brutes.io is now bigger and better than ever. A redesigned and rebalanced core game loop ensures a rewarding leveling experience with a brand new prestige system - rewarding you with score multiplier and extra lives and the cost of your behemoth size - new challenges await! Tired of the same old costumes? We have brand new costumes, and 2 x brand new skins per costumes - so even more content to unlock. Combined with new powerups and new chibbit behaviour, plus loads of new secrets to discover - you'll be constantly surprised every time you play!
Brutes v1.0 GOLD Released
www.Brutes.io v1.0 GOLD is now released! Featuring a brand new core game loop and prestige system, including technical overhauls and tons of new costumes and skins to unlock - Brutes.io is bigger and better than ever!
Posted by BulletProofArcade on
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