Post news RSS Blackreef Pirates - Indoor scenes and shadows

Watch our first indoor environment and character "shadows"

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So, what happened this week in our hidden pirate cove?

Blob shadows

Due to the massive request of this feature I worked on a way to display the character shadows. No, unfortunately these are not real dynamic shadows since they not work on iPad and older computers. Instead I choose to do something more old-school using a textured quad and some code to orient it to follow the terrain geometry. Sure, as always, it can be improved or replaced with something better but I'm already happy with the results.

Indoor scenes and camera

We also did our first indoor scene, it's going to be used as a little store. It's a separate scene because this way it's easier to add more detailed objects and a different camera style.

The camera used for little indoor scenes like this will be completely automatic, similar to the one used in point&click adventure games. And no minimap for indoor scenes! You're not getting lost in here, right?!

Here is our traditional weekly video, enjoy!

Bychop - - 41 comments


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kazumo - - 1,174 comments


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AlienSniperDwarf - - 3 comments

This is actually pretty good.

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Jordy☢Boii - - 278 comments

cooool Mann! ^^

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KarimIO - - 2,317 comments

I've never used Unity, but I'm a mod developer. The blob shadow is acceptable, but it's really the minimum you could do. World brushes are rendered the same way as model brushes, so just use the same technique. Unless you're using precompiled shadows, it'd work.

Also, HL1's beta used stencil shadows. That was in ~1997. I'm fairly sure both the iPad and older computer could run it. If not, maybe add an option to enable, disable different kinds of shadows, or completely turn them off. Anyways, this is awesome. Even the bug is cool. Good job!

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AVittoz - - 65 comments

This looks very cool!

All i'd say is the characters look very flat without any shading. Try using a different shader with some directional shading and a little bit of specular to bring out the depth. I don't use unity so I'm not sure how it works exactly but this should be easy to try out :)

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Sabuk - - 6 comments

Its better than I thought! :) Great job!

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cominu Author
cominu - - 66 comments

Thank you all guys! Things will improve (shadows, char shading, etc..) soon, keep following us and spread the word about this game. :D

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