Post news Report RSS Bill S.978

I've received a few emails about Bill S.978, a new bill proposed in the USA, which would make it illegal under certain circumstances to share videos of copyrighted materials over the internet

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Firstly, Minecraft just passed 10 million registered users!

Now, I've received a few emails about Bill S.978, a new bill proposed in the USA, which would make it illegal under certain circumstances to share videos of copyrighted materials over the internet. The problem is that it appears to also make it illegal to upload videos of games, such as let's plays and speed runs. And I love watching let's plays and speed runs.

Here's a great video on the subject I found via Reddit:

If the bill passes, I suspect many game companies (including us) will add a special clause to the TOS specifically to allow posting videos of their games. A huge part of why Minecraft has grown so fast is the YouTube community.

(Development blog links #1 #2)

Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 52)
Battle8111 - - 1,000 comments

wow, that seems dumd, sorry about that happening.

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Martanz - - 479 comments

Isn't it only in the USA? So if I live in Sweden then I can still upload game footage? Becuase the USA can't controll the whole world

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Death8338 - - 126 comments

if the servers aren't located in the US.

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AssassinAlex18 - - 175 comments

Well the thing is Youtube is an American site, so unless the change all there servers to Canada, it'll still be taken down.

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Soulshaper2 - - 69 comments


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Martanz - - 479 comments

Then I will create a website called (Almost like gametrailers xD ) and the servers will be located in Sweden so that everyone can upload let's plays and gameplays. The USA can go screw them self!

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ReezeTheVampire - - 3,944 comments

Ya...thats absolutly retarded.

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Deenn - - 136 comments


it just got dumped not passed so we are good

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DarkPivot - - 699 comments


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Baineblade - - 33 comments

And where the heck did you hear that huh? It was just put out there for the Senate to review, that means it's gonna be there for about a month before any votes are cast.

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TrashCan-Man23 - - 683 comments

US is slowly turning into a dictatorship. Well, time to pack up and move to Canada.

Really though, these corrupt politicians just need to get booted out. But of course, they take it out on the people that voted them in, just so they can make an extra buck.

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Pvt_Pirate - - 377 comments

slowly turning into one? i considered them a dictatorship for about 10 years now...

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LonelyKnightess - - 841 comments

I agree that the corrupt politicians are ridiculous and turning the country into something horrible. However, that does not mean they are turning into a dictatorship.

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Acetyl - - 149 comments

Thats moronic to call the united states a dictatorship. The united states is driven by corporate interest and lobbyists, greed and corruption. All a politician symbolizes is petty puppetry. The fact is, most of them are idiots to begin with....yet they're the ones running are country =P

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LonelyKnightess - - 841 comments

You act like that is exclusive to the US.

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Deenn - - 136 comments

more like a capitalism

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Valhyn - - 45 comments


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u-raptor - - 542 comments

LOL, well anyways, who thought of this law?

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BlackDanaraki - - 261 comments

from Senators Amy Klobuchar, John Cornyn and Christopher Coons

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AlekZanDer - - 2,695 comments

Heck yeah!
No wait!
Let's make a few Saw movies with the US politicians!

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RandomusIdiotus - - 957 comments

A shame we have such fools in our country, though I suppose it's the same with anyone in power. I hope it fails, though. It sounds truly stupid.

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Der_Cherusker - - 37 comments

Wow, I can Tweet, Share, Digg, reddit and Buzz

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RainieRooth - - 118 comments


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f0u - - 270 comments


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bikkebakke - - 421 comments

Top comment from the video that Kizzycocoa linked:

"This is f*cking blasphemy. Passing this bill would shrink our country's economy as enforcing this law is very inefficient. F*cking up to 5 years of imprisonment? *First Day in Jail* "I'm in here for rape" "I'm in here for attempt murder" "I'm in here for narcotics" "Uh... I'm in here for... uploading a video on Youtube." I've got a better idea! How 'bout, Instead of f*cking spending money on enforcing this damn bill, you use this money to pay off the 13 trillion dollar national debt? Idiots.

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SairenSA - - 267 comments

Oh teh humanity! >_<*

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BananaClip - - 1,130 comments

Land of the free huh.

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u-raptor - - 542 comments

I bet the senator who had this idea watches lets plays and other stuff on youtube everyday.

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Nick98 - - 11 comments

The senator that came up with this probably thinks youtube is for cat videos.

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Juffe - - 393 comments

Yea this is bad. I heard of this yesterday and I was like wtf...Now it's the time act! use your freedom of speech!

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Bäver33 - - 468 comments

All the information about Bill s.978 that you need

Now we know what senator to hunt down :D

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u-raptor - - 542 comments

why do so many associations support it?

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DragonNOR - - 567 comments

From the looks of it the organisations that support it consist film, music and theatrical production/interest groups and none who work primarily with computer games. I gather they're trying to nail music and video piracy, and the game videos have just become collateral damage. I'm sure that if this is brought to the attention to the various game companies, many who thrive on the publicity given by youtube (like Minecraft) there would be additional opposition, but then again you never know for sure.

If this passes it will be a sad day for the internet in general and the wrong way to grapple with piracy.

I'm glad I live in Norway lol.

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u-raptor - - 542 comments

maybe, but wouldnt it affect the world since some of the games are american (maybe), youtube is american (is it?), and most music on youtube is american?

but maybe it wont, i am confused on the whole effect of it

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DragonNOR - - 567 comments

Remains to be seen I guess. Most likely if it passes it will at least be enforced in the US, but doesn't necessarily have to affect the rest of the world.
On the other hand a lot of countries (Norway included) have a tendency to be overly positive towards American laws, even the more ridiculous ones, so I wouldn't put it past our government to petition for the same move here if it passes.

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Otter. - - 1,355 comments

"This is bullsh*t" - Random City 17 citizen on Bill S.978 (and Dr. Breen)

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X-LAyer2 - - 232 comments

I found half the games I play though machinimas, let's plays, etc. It's like free advertising for game companies. I found Minecraft though Seananners let's play of the game. I don't think that most game companies would take this away from gamers and themselves.

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Jeffman12 - - 1,475 comments

This sort of out of touch with reality crap tends to get shot down. Don't do nothing about it if there's something you can do, but on the other hand, don't worry about it too much either.

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xXMaNiAcXx - - 4,807 comments

Revolution! Let's kill the stupid *** who thinks that is smart and made such stupid bill. All gamers will hate this guy. The whole world will be against this ********.

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minotor1279 - - 219 comments

I agree that a part of the economic crisis is due to illegal pirating and streamings but lets plays? They are not the freakin' problem!
They need to rethink there strategy and actually get a hold on more important things. Oh i'm sorry please build those billion dollar aircrafts to just get took down in Afganistan and so on, **** the war, **** the goverment, and more importantly, FML...

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xXMaNiAcXx - - 4,807 comments

Well yeah economic crisis is part of illegal pirating and streamings but not game videos. If so, let's close OnLive. They stream things. Let's close everything which streams things or has game videos. *****.

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Mr.Nuke - - 996 comments

they must be bored and trying to make revenue

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roro66 - - 160 comments

but if it is an american bill, people from other countries can still upload lets plays

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Aquilia - - 235 comments

As long as the website's servers aren't in the US... But most are...

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hagamablabla - - 240 comments

Jeez... if they want me to buy their games instead of just watching a LP, they should make games worth playing. Same for music and movies.

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heyitsme259 - - 106 comments

Glad I don't live in the us right now although Australia has some stupid rules to that make me angry too

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Slevo - - 555 comments

like Australia's carbon tax. It will destroy our manufacturing completely but as long as Jullia Gillard gets more money from our millions and millions of different tax's its all good

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chulaksaviour - - 234 comments

Just another move to try tax the internet

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Akalonor - - 1,686 comments

To be honest Uploading game Torrents shouldn't be illegal, when you buy the game, you can do whatever you want with it, restricting our actions of something we own is showing our country's weakness to capital. The government is run by money, which is wrong is so many ways.

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BlackDanaraki - - 261 comments

*Sigh* i hate being american sometimes.

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