Post news Report RSS BFME: Tactics BETA 3 announcement

Dear friends. Not so long ago, we published the news that we close the project. This decision was due to many reasons: lack of interest in the community, a large amount of work, a small amount of free time. Frankly, they are all relevant today. BUT! We decided to give the project a final chance.

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Dear friends. Not so long ago, we published the news that we close the project. This decision was due to many reasons: lack of interest in the community, a large amount of work, a small amount of free time. Frankly, they are all relevant today. BUT! We decided to give the project a final chance. It is your activity and interest in the project could save him from the final closing. If the community decides that our idea is not interesting and give an advantage to original bfme gameplay - we stop the development.
It should be noted that the word "interest" meant not the number of comments "Wow", not the number of likes and even not the number of downloads. The word "interest" , we mean just two simple things.

Main changes.

1) First main change (comparing with previous versions of BFME: Tactics) is the system of «tactics». That current system represents choice of one of three paths of fraction’s development (note that we’re not speaking of choosing «subfractions» but of style of playing suitable to a player). One can make a choice directly while playing in any opportune moment. At the beginning each fraction has a standard set of units, buildings, heroes and special abilities.

By the example of Gondor, a player can build


There is no possibility for a player to enhance units with blades, armour, banners and arrows in a “standard” choice of fraction, meaning unless certain “tactic” is chosen.

Each tactic in game has it’s profile units available only in that particular tactic. Also, depending on choice of a certain tactic, prices change for standard unis, heroes, buildings and efficiency of enhancements of blades and armours.

In attacking tactic Gondor is capable of



  • Farm - 300
  • Barracks - 240
  • Shooting range - 330
  • Stable - 400
  • Fountain - 330
  • Hero’s statue - 300
  • Siege workshop - 500
  • Forge - 1350
  • Stronghold - 1950
  • Storehouse - 400


  • Soldiers of Gondor - 160
  • Pikemen of Gondor - 330
  • Veterans of Osgiliath - 800
  • Archers of Gondor - 260
  • Ithilien’s rangers - 660
  • Knights of Gondor - 440
  • Trebuchet -700


  • Pippin - 330
  • Boromir - 1210
  • Faramir - 1950
  • Aragorn - 3200
  • Gandalf - 6000

In defensing tactic Gondor is capable of



  • Farm - 270
  • Barracks - 330
  • Shooting range - 240
  • Tower - 500
  • Stable - 650
  • Fountain - 360
  • Hero’s Statue - 275
  • Forge - 1200
  • Stronghold - 1650
  • Storehouse - 500


  • Soldiers of Gondor - 240
  • Pikemen of Gondor - 240
  • Gondor Tower Guard - 400
  • Archers of Gondor - 180
  • Ithilien’s rangers - 420
  • Knights of Gondor - 660


  • Pippin - 240
  • Boromir - 1100
  • Faramir - 1050
  • Aragorn - 4800
  • Gandalf - 5500

In heroic tactic Gondor is capable of



  • Farm - 360
  • Barracks - 330
  • Shooting range - 390
  • Stable - 600
  • Fountain - 240
  • Hero’s Statue - 150
  • Forge - 1800
  • Stronghold - 900
  • Storehouse - 600


  • Soldiers of Gondor - 240
  • Pikemen of Gondor - 330
  • Archers of Gondor - 240
  • Ithilien’s rangers - 780
  • Knights of Gondor - 605
  • Knights of Dol-Amroth - 800


  • Pippin - 366
  • Boromir - 990
  • Faramir - 1500
  • Imrahil - 1500
  • Aragorn - 3600
  • Gandalf - 4000

2) The second main change touches spellbook.


The first path is all-available special abilities which can be used anytime after building fortress. Three next paths are special tactical abilities which are available after choosing tactic – respectively for each tactic.

General (standard) branch:

  1. Defensive tower (summons a defensive tower)
  2. Summon Rangers (summons a group of Rangers)
  3. Summon Rohirrim (summons a group of Rohirrim)
  4. Earthquake (creates an Earthquake on the selected area of terrain, causing heavy damage to structures)
  5. Summon Army of the Dead (summons the Army of the Dead)

Offensive branch:

  1. Call to atack (+50% damage)
  2. Healing (heals units and heroes in the selected area (including allies))
  3. Under the banner of the King (+2 levels for units in the selected area)
  4. Short rest (for the short time units are stunned and immune to damage (affects all the units and heroes including allies and enemies)
  5. Arrow volley (launches a volley of arrows on the selected area)

Deffensive branch:

  1. Healing (heals units and heroes in the selected area (including allies))
  2. Forests of Ithilien (creates a forest, all nearby ally units gain +50% armor)
  3. Heritage of the Numenor (+50 Armor to structures in the selected area)
  4. Scorched land (spills oil in the selected area which can be set on fire)
  5. Cloud break (cancels all enemy’s weather effects and stuns enemy units)

Heroic branch:

  1. Gifts of Galadriel (all heroes gain experience 25% faster and get +10% move speed)
  2. Return of the Kings (Aragorn gains +50% damage, but -25% armor)
  3. Gandalf the White (Gandalf gains +25% damage and ability to ride the horse)
  4. Healing (heals units and heroes in the selected area (including allies))
  5. Last chance (units and heroes gain +100% damage, but -200% armor)

3) Resource system.

Now mixed type of source gathering is available in game, easily as mine-worker-storehouse or as a special building (that kind of source gathering is foresight to mine emptying).

4) Unit upgrade system.

Efficiency of upgrading units by means of armour and blade enhancements now varies and depends on the tactic chosen. Also archers are upgraded in one of two directions: increasing damage dealt to units/heroes or damage dealt to buildings.

Post comment Comments
.Eol. - - 613 comments

Just give us time to test it deeply, and I will gladly give you feedbacks and ideas at the two links you gave !

Just wait a bit before considering closing definitely ^^

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Olku_ - - 2,078 comments

"This decision was due to many reasons: lack of interest in the community"
imo there wasn't "lack of interest", people downloaded and followed/watched your stuff.

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ApornasPlanet - - 4,132 comments

Yeah but if you read the post they meant that people wernt giving them any feedback. People downloaded and played but didn't give the developers any comments on balance and such things.

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Puvy - - 3,669 comments

Omg that new system is so awesome! :D
Keep up the good work guys!

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FG15 - - 3,561 comments

Nice update, I really like the new spellbook and its design.

Nonetheless there are some things in the update, which make me wonder.
Are ithilien rangers supposed to be available only at a defensive strategy? Because they are shown in the image, but are listed for each of the tactics. Additionally, the name of the towerguards is not the same in the text and in the picture. And in the first picture, the stable and the knights aren't mentioned (the rangers, too in case they are available for each tactic).
Also it is a bit weird, that trebuchets are part of the offensive tactic, but are labeled as a "long range defensive" weapon.
Also how is the player to destroy a defensive fortress with walls and gates, if he has no siege engines in 2 of the 3 tactics? Or are gates attackable by normal units?

Moreover, it is quite hard to find the differences between the tactics in the update, because you have listed the full list of units, structures and buildings every time. Could be easier if you listed the regular ones above and only the additional below.

Besides, there is something in the spellbook which strikes me a bit odd, that is the healing spell. I would suggest to make it part of the standard path and add a unique spell for each path, instead of having the spell in each of the pathes, only differing on the spellpoints.
And some of the numbers in the spellbook seem to be not right. +50 armor for buildings should be +50%, Aragorns bonus seems to be pretty weak, I guess it should +50% damage and +25% armour. And the last spell does not make any sense at all. Would be nice if you could explain the effect.

I really was expecting you to come back.
Greetings FG15

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Boruin Author
Boruin - - 105 comments

in the description of the trebuchet and name tower guard really mistake

Enumeration done for visual readings price differences.

Ithilien archers are available in all tactics, yes, but the price...

The last spell heroic tactics. For example, you are in a situation where an increase in damage plays a major role. You bypassed enemy units, and you need as quickly as possible break the enemy base. This is just one example, when the damage is more important than the protection, of course use this skill when attacking head-stupidly)

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FG15 - - 3,561 comments

Ah, I see. I had completly overlooked the different costs. Would be easier to read, if you had given a general price, and just wrote down, which units got cheaper/ more expensive and how much. At the moment, I have to say it is quite difficult to compare the different stats, because there are so many information. Else a chart with three columns could be a good idea.

-50% armor means, units have only 50% armor, so that the incoming damage will be divided by 0.5, and therefore it will be multiplied by 2. -99% armor means the incoming damage will be multiplied by 100. -100% armor should in factreturn a "divide by zero" error, and anything above -100% armor is pointless.

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Boruin Author
Boruin - - 105 comments

Incorrect interpretation. Take any hero, for better visibility, and give him to -9900 armor. And look how all that more -100% does not work ^)

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FG15 - - 3,561 comments

That's propably because as I said, multiplying the damage with a negative value is pointless, so the semantic analyzer in the engine just ignores the entry. For example, this is visible at the dwarven guardians. When equipped with siege hammers, they get -175% armor, which is no-where mentioned in the description and has apparently no effect at all, because it is below -100%.

Also the description of the armor attribute in the attributemodifier.ini states exactly the effect I have described above ;)

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Boruin Author
Boruin - - 105 comments

Well, then compare it with different values, for example, -500, -1500, -2500 and -9000) Feel the difference) She it will be, because read description parameters in AttributeModifier.ini.
As standard the damage by units calculated by the formula d*a/100(d-damage,a-armor)
that is, if a unit receives 100 damage and has armor.ini to this type of 100%, it receives one hundred , if 75, it is only 100*(75/100) = 75

if the unit have a bonus, then d*a+(-b)/100 (b-bonus)
that is, if a unit receives 100 damage and has armor.ini to this type of 75% and has -100% bonus, it receives 100*(75+(-(-100))/100)=175

In the opposite direction it works, yes, but there is a parameter AttributeModifierArmorMaxBonus equal to 75% (in gamedata.ini appointed) and at +100% it actually get only +75%

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Boruin Author
Boruin - - 105 comments

In general, you can increase the damage taken to infinity, to reduce the value 0 here it is necessary to take into consideration damagescalar, possible bonuses enemy and AttributeModifierArmorMaxBonus , so to + 100% it is not invulnerable)

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FG15 - - 3,561 comments

I have to apologyze, I did a few tests yesterday and it seems you are right, even if the attributemodifier.ini states that the armor-bonus is multiplied not added/subtracted.
Still there are some things not completly clear. For example in the RotWk, Gondor fighters had 25% armor against Pikes and their special formation gave them +25% armor. So after the formula they should be invulnerable to pikes, because the bonus is less than 75%, which wasn't the case.

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FG15 - - 3,561 comments

Ok, I found the reason for this.
The formula should be d*a*(1-b), therefore even if the basic armor value is low, a unit still can't get invulnerable.

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Boruin Author
Boruin - - 105 comments

And yes, the picture show key units

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bubaj - - 269 comments

Plz keep working on this. It has a big potential of being an awesome mod.

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ApornasPlanet - - 4,132 comments

I'm so glad that you decided to continue! I'm gonna follow this with great interest! Keep it up!

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krabaat - - 47 comments

Nice, keep up the good work

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Guest - - 700,080 comments

when is this magnificent MODD ?

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Guest - - 700,080 comments

when is this magnificent? when when whennnnnn ......

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ledernierrempart - - 521 comments

so you don't have any siege weapon if you don't take attack tactic?... :/

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loadrunner13 - - 29 comments

Whenever i try to play the mod it gives me an error asking me to update to 2.01 but i have it already. Also the launcher seems to have trouble connecting to servers because it says something is wrong and too check my internet. This is beta 2 im talking about.

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Guest - - 700,080 comments

Mod is dead?

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killer_croc - - 19 comments

probably yes.....

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killer_croc - - 19 comments

probably yes.....

This is a very interesting mod, buga always that I'm going to play a campaign of the witch king but for this it is incredible

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