Post news RSS Badminton Warrior - Teleportation Update

A short article describing how teleportation is used in combat.

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With the early access release date fast approaching, I thought I would post some more information about the game. Let's talk about teleporting! I remember the Galaxy Man stage in Mega Man 9. I thought the teleporting gimmick was a fun idea. However, I was a little disappointed in how they incorporated it into the stage. It almost seemed like an afterthought. I tried to make it so teleportation played a vital role in how the player engaged the enemy. Below is a simple example of what I mean.

lacrosseBotTeleport02 1

By being on the right side of the pipe, the lacrosse bot can attack the player but is protected from the player's attack. If the player simply teleports to the other side, the player will take damage from landing on the lacrosse bot. However, by teleporting to the other side and hitting a projectile at the lacrosse bot first, the player can climb the ladder without taking a hit. Let's see another example of how players can use the teleporters to their advantage.

shieldBot teleporter

Here we have a shield bot on higher ground, and we all know from Obi-Wan Kenobi that you can never attack a person on higher ground and expect to win. Roll Eyes Durr...? Seriously though, the player cannot jump high enough to smash a projectile at the shield bot's head. If the player simply jumps up and drives the projectile right back at the shield bot, the shield will block it. This is where teleportation becomes key. Because the projectiles can even teleport, a smash will send a shot right at the shield bot's weak point.

There are more examples of this in the game, but I don't want to give them all away. Players will have to figure out different methods of fighting enemies and getting around obstacles for themselves. That's part of the fun right? Whenever I design a level, I always think to myself how this level will be unique and interesting to players compared to the last one. What new fun experiences or challenges will be waiting. One thing that irritates me is when a game repeats the same exact challenge over and over again in order to lengthen a game without actually providing any additional value. I am hoping that when people play Badminton Warrior, they will feel that none of the levels were created as filler.

The current early access release date for Badminton Warrior is still set for November 15, 2018!

There will be a playable demo available plus a pretty big launch discount. More details on those later. For now, let me just say thanks for reading and taking an interest in my game.

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