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Assault Knights Technical Specifications 2.0

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Directed-energy weapons (Energy)
weapons use energy to damage a target, without any actual projectile.
Energy weapons are a relatively new development, and even though they
undergo rapid development, they still can't replace classical projectile

Pros: No ammunition, high shot speed, damage and accuracy
Cons: Shorter range, heat problems

Particle Cannon - PC
as the standard military energy weapon because of being much more
effective than lasers, Particle Cannons are strong and accurate, their
downside being large amounts of heat released in the shooting process.
They work by sucking surrounding matter, ionizing it, and releasing it
as a blast of energy. This blast can knock off molecules of armor,
making clean round holes in the target.

Pros: High damage, high accuracy
Cons: Above average heating

variant: Small Particle Cannon - SPC
Reload Time: 1 second
Penetration: 170mm RHA (170mm per second)
Maximum Range: 560 meters
Dispersion: 0.75 degree
Heat Release: 140 heat units

variant: Medium Particle Cannon - MPC
Reload Time: 2 seconds
Penetration: 370mm RHA (185mm per second)
Maximum Range: 710 meters
Dispersion: 0.5 degree
Heat Release: 250 heat units

variant: Large Particle Cannon - LPC
Reload Time: 4 seconds
Penetration: 760mm RHA (190mm per second)
Maximum Range: 1040 meters
Dispersion: 0.4 degree
Heat Release: 460 heat units

Pulse-variation Particle Cannon - PulsePC
PCs are a major spinoff of the basic Particle Cannon. By utilising a
rotating electromagnetical barrel, an extreme rate of fire increase has
been achieved, though at the cost of accuracy, damage per shot and heat.
The rotating barrel, combined with electromagnetical influence, gives
each shot different polarity, allowing the weapon to shoot repeatedly
without jamming.

Pros: Very high rate of fire
Cons: Less accurate, low damage per shot, serious heating problems

Reload Time: 0.75 seconds
Penetration: 140mm RHA (186.66mm per second)
Maximum Range: 660 meters
Dispersion: 0.75 degree
Heat Release: 100 heat units (125 per second)

variant: Large Pulse-variation Particle Cannon - LPulsePC
Reload Time: 1.75 seconds
Penetration: 335mm RHA (191.42mm per second)
Maximum Range: 990 meters
Dispersion: 0.55 degree
Heat Release: 220 heat units

variant: Pattern Large Pulse-variation Particle Cannon - XPulseLPC
Reload Time: 4 seconds
Penetration: 5x150mm RHA (187.5mm per second)
Maximum Range: 950 meters
Dispersion: 0.5 degree
Heat Release: 410 heat units

Radiative-Distribution Particle Cannon - RDPC
PCs differ from standard Particle Cannons by using lasers to move
heavier particles forward in the muzzle before firing them. This causes
the particle blast to dissipate much less energy into the atmosphere and
knock off slightly more armor, but the additional internal laser
releases way more heat, making the already heat-problematic Particle
Cannon only useful when combined with non-energy weapons.

Pros: Very long range, slightly more damage than ordinary PCs
Cons: Great heating problems

Reload Time: 4 seconds
Penetration: 780mm RHA (195mm per second)
Maximum Range: 1430 meters
Dispersion: 0.35 degree
Heat Release: 495 heat units

Wide-beamed Particle Cannon - HeatPulsePC
spinoff of clasicall Particle Cannon, the Wide-beamed Particle Cannon
is just a standard PC with a widened muzzle. This causes the particle
blast to be less concentrated and less energized, not ablating the dense
armor, but heating it up by kinetic energy instead. This does no damage
to the target, but transfers heat to it's cooling system.

Pros: Transfers heat to the target, less heat than most energy weapons
Cons: No damage

Reload Time: 0.5 second
Penetration: 10mm RHA (20mm per second)
Heat Transfer: 80 heat units per hit (160 per second)
Maximum Range: 700 meters
Dispersion: 0.75 degree
Heat Release: 50 heat units (100 per second)

Multiplied Particle Cannon - MultiPC
Particle cannons are a unique development of the standard Particle
Cannon weapon. Instead of modifying mechanisms of the weapon, multiple
barrels are strapped to a standard Particle Cannon, resulting in a
shotgun-like effect when the weapon is fired. This makes the weapon very
effective against aircraft and infantry, and at shorter ranges even
against heavier targets. However, at long ranges the weapon has trouble
damaging anything with a bit of armor strapped on.

Pros: Effective at short range, good against infantry and aircraft, less heat than most energy weapons
Cons: Only useful at short range against armored targets

Reload Time: 3 seconds
Penetration: 10x80mm RHA (266.66mm per second)
Maximum Range: 830 meters
Dispersion: 4 degrees
Heat Release: 370 heat units

MagnetoGen Particle Cannon - MGPC
Particle Cannons differ from standard Particle Cannons by inonizing
surrounding air first, then periodically injecting it into the barrel by
electromagnets. This allows the weapon to achieve very high rate of
fire and remove the bulky ionization chamber. However, ionizing all
surrounding air is relatively ineffective, causing higher amount of heat
to be released. MGPC's electromagnets can also draw only limited amount
of particles in, making the weapon compact but lacking the damage of
it's heavier cousins.

Pros: Good damage for its size, very high rate of fire
Cons: Heat problems, insufficient damage against heavy targets

Reload Time: 0.33 seconds
Penetration: 45mm RHA (135mm per second)
Maximum Range: 860 meters
Dispersion: 0.5 degree
Heat Release: 45 heat units (135 per second)

variant: Pulse-variation MagnetoGen Particle Cannon - MGPulsePC
Reload Time: 0.2 seconds
Penetration: 30mm RHA (150mm per second)
Maximum Range: 680 meters
Dispersion: 0.6 degree
Heat Release: 35 heat units (175 per second)

Electron Particle Cannon - EPC
Particle Cannon is another branch of the Particle Cannon family.
Instead of simply using atoms sucked from surrounding atmosphere, it
draws electrons from those particles. These electrons are forming a much
denser particle blast than a standard Particle Cannon. Electrons even
often fully penetrate target's armor, damaging it from inside or
destroying target's electronical components. All those benefits come at a
price though: electrons repel each other and lose velocity quicker than
atomic particles, meaning the particle blast disperses much sooner than
standard PC's. Also, breaking down atoms for electrons generates huge
amounts of heat.

Pros: Much higher damage than normal Particle Cannons
Cons: Huge heat release, shorter range than ordinary PCs

Reload Time: 5 second
Penetration: 1330mm RHA (266mm per second)
Maximum Range: 840 meters
Dispersion: 0.25 degree
Heat Release: 540 heat units

Railgun-Electron Particle Cannon - RGEPC
SIAD's greatest invention for the time of the war, RGEPC is also one of
the simplest. Stacking a Railgun on an EPC, adding numerous prototype
technology both coming both from Assault Knight labs and scavenged Omni
units, the SIAD has managed to create a piece of technology that ahead
even of Omni military tech. The RGEPC works by accelerating the
projectile like a normal Railgun, then firing an internal mounted EPC
into it's back. This gives the projectile a huge boost in speed,
however, the cost for this is damage, as the RGEPC's projectiles do not
carry any warhead for safety reasons and rely on kinetic force alone.
For some reason, the Assault Knights Expeditionary HQ has classified the
weapon as energy despite being mostly kinetical. The weapon became
popular in "sniper" platoons and also saw limited use as a heavy AA
weapon due to it's extreme projectile speed.

Pros: Extreme projectile speed, great acuraccy
Cons: Low damage, low rate of fire, extreme heat release

Reload Time: 7 second
Penetration: 840mm RHA (120mm per second)
Maximum Range: 2800 meters
Dispersion: 0.1 degree
Heat Release: 600 heat units

Expansionjet Flamethrower - Flamer
weapon using surrounding air as ammunition, the Expansionjet
Flamethrower sucks it into a special jet, expanding it into superheated
plasma. This plasma is then fired from the jet muzzle. Any plasma
hitting the target cools down rapidly, "eating away" the target's armor
and heating it up. However, the plasma is slow and strongly affected by
gravity, lessening it's range, and expanding the air in the jet causes
heat problems to the weapon's user as well.

Pros: Transfers heat to target, considerable damage
Cons: Short range, heat problems

Reload Time: 0.1 second
Penetration: 22mm RHA (220mm per second)
Heat Transfer: 35 heat units per hit (350 per second)
Maximum Range: 360 meters
Dispersion: 0.35 degree
Heat Release: 38 heat units (380 per second)

Projectile weapons

Warhead types
currently known weapons operate by ablating the target's armor, and
projectile weapons are no different. Using either plasma or little
amounts of antimatter, the projectile explodes on contact while also
stripping layers of molecules out of everything nearby, including armor.

Armor Piercing / Ablative - AP/A
rounds carry a very small amount of antimatter underneath a hard
ballistic cap. After hitting the target, they bury themselves in it's
armor a bit before releasing the antimatter. This maximizes the ablation
effect while also causing an internal explosion that rips chunks of the
target's armor off. They offer maximum damage potential against armored
target, but they lack effectivity against other target types.

High Explosive / Ablative - HE/A
rounds carry quite a bit larger antimatter warheads directly on the tip
of the projectile, lacking the ballistic cap. They explode immediately
on impact, ablating armor and doing further damage through shockwaves.
While quite a bit of ablating potential is lost by having the antimatter
annihilate with the air, this exact thing causes HE/A shells to do
noticeable damage to anything nearby.

High Explosive - Plasmatic - HE-PLAS
of using antimatter to ablate the target surface, HE-PLAS warheads
simply use it to create and propel hot plasma in a large radius. HE-PLAS
shells are in fact just a small antimatter warheads surrounded by
copious amounts of plastics. On impact, the energy of an antimatter
explosion converts most of the plastics into plasma. While plasma is way
inferior at damaging dense armored surfaces, it can travel way further
before dissipating, making for much larger explosions. HE-PLAS warheads
have little armor piercing potential, but are a deadly threat against
any infantry and light vehicles.

Powered projectile weapons (Missiles)

Longrange AntiArmor Missilelauncher - LARM
were one of the first weapons developed by the SIAD. Responding to
raiders using fast vehicles and hit-and-run tactics, the SIAD has
developed a long ranged, yet relatively agile missile capable of hitting
most ground and aerial targets. Manufacturing was assigned to
Blake-Okamura Aeronautics. The weapon was an instant succes, becoming
the basis of most new missile systems. It's only flaw, small warhead,
only became apparent after the Omni invasion, wich has started the
development of new, more effective long range missile systems.

Pros: Long range, relatively agile
Cons: Higher heat release, mediocre damage

variant: Longrange AntiArmor Missilelauncher 2-Rack - LARM2
Reload Time: 5 seconds per shot / 7.5 seconds per magazine
Penetration: 2x190mm RHA (76mm per second)
Maximum Range: 1600 meters
Heat Release: 180 heat units
Ammo Capacity: 24 missiles in magazine / 360 missiles total

variant: Longrange AntiArmor Missilelauncher 3-Rack - LARM3
Reload Time: 5 seconds per shot / 7.5 seconds per magazine
Penetration: 3x190mm RHA (114mm per second)
Maximum Range: 1600 meters
Heat Release: 270 heat units
Ammo Capacity: 24 missiles in magazine / 360 missiles total

variant: Longrange AntiArmor Missilelauncher 4-Rack - LARM4
Reload Time: 5 seconds per shot / 7.5 seconds per magazine
Penetration: 4x190mm RHA (152mm per second)
Maximum Range: 1600 meters
Heat Release: 360 heat units
Ammo Capacity: 24 missiles in magazine / 360 missiles total

Shortrange AntiArmor Missilelauncher - SARM
by Blake-Okamura as the close range mutation of the LARM, this missile
has dropped a great deal of range in favor of improvements a bigger
warhead and thrust vectoring. While this gave the missile great accuracy
and firepower, the range drop was too big to make the missile useful
for the original Assault Knight police forces, and as a result it didn't
sell well. This situation has changed in the Omni invasion as Assault
Knights soon realized the potential of the weapon. Soon, SARMs gained
reputation as reliable weapons, capable of shredding even the toughest

Pros: Very agile, excellent damage, low heat release
Cons: Very low range

variant: Shortrange AntiArmor Missilelauncher 4-Rack - SARM4
Reload Time: 5 seconds per shot / 7.5 seconds per magazine
Penetration: 4x190mm RHA (152mm per second)
Maximum Range: 520 meters
Heat Release: 180 heat units
Ammo Capacity: 36 missiles in magazine / 540 missiles total

variant: Shortrange AntiArmor Missilelauncher 6-Rack - SARM6
Reload Time: 5 seconds per shot / 7.5 seconds per magazine
Penetration: 6x190mm RHA (228mm per second)
Maximum Range: 520 meters
Heat Release: 270 heat units
Ammo Capacity: 36 missiles in magazine / 540 missiles total

Death Dealer Missilelauncher - DDM
with performance of LARMs against heavy targets, Assault Knights issued
a contract for a new, heavier missile. Two companies, CID and Turgenev
Arms, were chosen for the contract. CIP offered an advanced aerial
torpedo wich performed remarkably well, however the Turgenev Arms
design, wich was simply an enlarged LARM, was selected for the contract.
After stripping most parts of the missile for more payload, Turgenev
Arms has managed to create a clumsy and slow, yet extremly destructive
missile capable of devastating most targets with only a couple of hits,
landed with high precision. However, the missile is easily outmaneuvred
by all but the heaviest units, making it useless against most commonly
encountered foes.

Pros: Quite long range, crippling damage
Cons: Slow and clumsy missile, high heat release, slow rate of fire

Reload Time: 8 seconds per shot / 12 seconds per magazine
Penetration: 1520mm RHA (190mm per second)
Maximum Range: 1300 meters
Heat Release: 550 heat units
Ammo Capacity: 4 missiles in magazine / 60 missiles total

BlueStreak Missilelauncher - BSM
fighting the Omni airforces, it was becoming more and more obvious a
dedicated anti aircraft missile is needed, as LARMs has shown themselves
to be too slow against fast moving aircraft. Development and
manufacturing of the missile were assigned to CIP, wich came with a
revolutionary system - the missile was propelled by a modified,
rearwards facing MGPC. Combined with more classical technology like
aerodynamic surfaces and thrust vectoring, this has delivered an
extremly fast and agile missile, capable of chasing down any aircraft.
However, the side effect is that they are rather large and carry subpar
payload, enough against aircraft but not against any other kinds of

Pros: Extremly agile and fast for a missile
Cons: Poor damage

Reload Time: 6 seconds per shot / 9 seconds per magazine
Penetration: 280mm RHA (46.66mm per second)
Maximum Range: 1900 meters
Heat Release: 120 heat units
Ammo Capacity: 8 missiles in magazine / 120 missiles total

Rocket Pods
inspiration from Russian S-8T helicopter rocket pods, the Turgenev Arms
company designed a similar system. The rockets fire are essentially
LARMs stripped of the all guidance systems in favor of much larger
warhead. This allows them to deal way more damage despite being smaller
than all other types of missiles. Due to the lack of any guidance
system, the rockets behave like a cross of traditional missiles and
ballistic weapons. While newbies usually avoid these missiles, but
veterans prize them as the only hard hitting yet not heating weapons.

Pros: Excellent damage, little heat released
Cons: Mediocre range, hard to aim and use

Reload Time: 0.8 seconds per shot / 6 seconds per magazine
Penetration: 184mm RHA (230mm per second)
Maximum Range: 750 meters
Heat Release: 40 heat units
Ammo Capacity: 10 rockets in magazine / 400 rockets total

Nonpowered projectile weapons (Ballistics)
most longest known and most developed family of weapons, ballistics are
also the most trusted amongst the Assault Knights. They have by far the
highest range of all weapons and are the most heat efficient, but are
also notoriously inaccurate and the have quite long reload times.

Pros: Longest range of all weapons, high damage to heat efficiency
Cons: Inaccurate, low rate of fire

the old vehicle-mounted machineguns becoming obsolete, the Assault
Knight forces were long looking for a replacement. This was developed by
the SysCorp company just a few months before the Omni invasion.
Needleguns use electromagnetic coils instead of chemicals to fire the
projectile. This, due to the small size of the weapon itself, gives the
weapon very high rate of fire with no noticeable heating. However, the
small needles lack any serious damage and have very short range too,
relegating the weapon to antiinfantry-only role.

Pros: Very high rate of fire, practically no heating
Cons: Useless against vehicles, shortest range of projectile weapons

variant: 30mm AutoCannon - AC-30
AC-30 automatic cannon, produced by Turgenev Arms, is a direct
descendant of the 2A42 30mm cannon used on the BMP series of infantry
fighting vehicles. One of the best examples of merging human technology
with Omni advancements, the AC-30 is lighter, more compact and far more
powerful than it's predecessor while still being relatively inexpensive.
The weapons's effectivenes, ease to use and compatibility with most
weapon hardpoints makes it one of the most used weapons in Assault
Knights arsenal.

Pros: High rate of fire, low heat, high accuracy
Cons: Short range for a ballistic weapon, insufficient damage against heavy targets

Gattling AutoCannon - GAC
variant: 30mm Gattling AutoCannon - 4 barrels - GAC-30-4
the iconic GAU-8 Avenger cannon mounted on the A-10 aircraft, the
Assault Knights Expeditionary HQ ordered a more compact weapon version
of this venerable design. Only the General Mechanics company responded,
producing the GAC-30-4 gattling cannon. The weapon is generally smaller,
with only four barrels instead of six and reduced firerate to reduce
ammunition hopper and heating problems. The weapon's recoil is still
enough to make it highly inaccurate over longer distances. While able to
punch hard in skilled hands, the weapon was mostly relegated to anti
aircraft role by the first Omni invasion.

Pros: Serious damage at close range, good against fast moving targets
Cons: Short range for a ballistic weapon, ineffective at long range

variant: Cannon 73mm
first weapon to be produced by the now well known CIP, the Cannon 73
was a great success at it's time. Compact enough to be fitted nearly
everywhere while still packing more than decent punch, it was an
universal defensive and offensive weapon. Altough the weapon was
becoming obsolete by the time of the first Omni invasion, the recent
upgrade with Nordia II multi-shot autoloader gave the weapon impressive
rate of fire for a cannon, renewing the interest of most Assault Knights
Mechanised Patrol units.

Pros: Decent firepower, good rate of fire, no heat problems
Cons: Inaccurate for a cannon, still too weak against heaviest targets

variant: Cannon 105mm
the first Assault Knights enforcers were looking for a main weapon for
their heavy units, it was decided to use 105mm caliber instead of the
Earth standard 120mm tank cannons. The smaller caliber was deemed enough
to deal with any criminals, and still compact enough to fit into most
medium or larger walkers. Contract was issued to CIP, wich produced yet
another excellent weapon. The design proved itself very well even
against Omni military, becoming the main antiarmor weapon of Assault
Knights forces.

Pros: Very good firepower
Cons: Only average in accuracy, rate of fire and range

variant: Cannon 152mm
152mm cannons used were obsolete light artillery pieces fitted to
walkers as makeshift cannons, turning out to be surprisingly effective. A
proper version of the cannon has been developed later by General
Mechanics. The cannon has enough punch to smash all except the heaviest
targets in just a few salvos, and while it's limitations severely hamper
it's practical use, the cannon has earned respect and fear amongst
those who had to face it's shooting end.

Pros: Excellent damage, relatively accurate, long range
Cons: Slow reloading, high heat release

Maelstrom Assault Cannon - MAC
cannons are standard assault cannons with their original reload systems
replaced by SysCorp Maelstrom reloaders. Instead of traditionally
loading one shell at a time, Maelstroms load multiple shells directly
into the barrel and fire them in a burst. This trendemously increases
their firepower, but also their reload time, heat release and
dispersion. MACs are also very expensive and hard to aim, and generally
are not much popular with crews.

Pros: Excellent damage
Cons: High reload time, high heat release, very inaccurate, expensive

variant: 73mm Maelstrom Assault Cannon - MAC-73
variant: 105mm Maelstrom Assault Cannon - MAC-105

Beehive Assault Cannon - BAC
weapon born close to the battlefield, first Beehive cannons were
standard cannons with their rifled barrels swapped for makeshift
smoothbore ones, firing improvised canister ammunition. Properly
manufactured barrels and shells were made available shortly after by
General Mechanics. BACs shoot canister shots splitting into dozens of
little AP/A flechettes shortly after firing. These flechettes fly
randomly in a wide cone, increasing probabilities of hitting the target.
This is especially useful against lightly armored targets such as
aircraft, however, BACs are also able to smash nearly anything in their
path at short range. The effect diminishes on longer ranges, though.

Pros: High probability of hitting, extreme damage at short range, low heat to firepower ratio
Cons: Not very effective beyond short range

variant: 73mm Beehive Assault Cannon - BAC-73
variant: 105mm Beehive Assault Cannon - BAC-105
variant: 155mm Beehive Assault Cannon - BAC-155

Railguns - RG
variant: Railgun - HvyRG
humanity has developed railguns since the 20th century, they weren't
considered practical weapons until Omni were seen using them to great
effect. After long effort, Assault Knight forces have managed to deliver
several undamaged samples to the SIAD, and production the newly
developed human variant of the weapon was assigned to SysCorp and
Turgenev Arms. While very expensive, the weapons proved their importance
in many battles Assault Knights fought against Omni, bringing hope in
situations previously seen as lost.

Pros: Great damage, very accurate, high projectile velocity
Cons: High heat release, relatively long reload time, relatively short range

variant: Heavy Railgun - HvyRG
the original Railgun, Heavy Railguns were designed for attacking heavy
or fortified targets such as enemy spaceships or walled positions. The
design is simply an enlarged version of the normal Railgun with a few
safety checks to ensure the weapon does not overload in the middle of a
battle. This allowed SysCorp to field the design quickly, however the
weapon has gained several significant flaws, of wich extreme heating is
the worst.

Pros: Extreme damage, very accurate, high projectile velocity
Cons: Trendemous heat release, long reload time, short range for a projectile weapon

variant: Helical Railgun - HELIRAIL
with their high velocity projectiles, have always had potential to be
great antiair weapons. The original Railgun had too long reload time and
still too slow projectiles to be useful against aircraft. From the
first tries of using beehive or flak ammunition and mounting a Maelstrom
reloader has been born "Project HELIRAIL". The idea of HELIRAIL is to
use helical rails instead of classical straight ones, reducing the wear
multiple times. This has, together with faster loading mechanisms,
allowed the HELIRAIL to shoot many times faster than a conventional
railgun. Unfortunately, the technology needed for practical high caliber
HELIRAILs is still beyond anything possible, so the design stays only
in the role of AA weapons.

Pros: High rate of fire, very high projectile speed, not that bad heating
Cons: Insufficient damage against armored targets, very short range for a projectile weapon

variant: Mortar 120mm
original vehicle mortar designed by CIP was successful amongst the
early Assault Knights. Despite the recent upgrades making the weapon
work more similar to a grenade launcher than a mortar, the weapon is
still called by it's original name to prevent confusion. The mortar is
capable of firing many shells at great distances, making it able to
cover large area with it's large radius HE-PLAS warheads. The weapon's
often criticised low projectile speed makes it hard to use for new
pilots, who often need a lot of practice to accurately fire the mortar
without wasting many shells.

Pros: High damage, high rate of fire, long range
Cons: Inaccurate, hard to use, slow projectiles

variant: Howitzer 254mm

External Bombs Array
bombs are the only weapons that didn't evolve much from original Earth
weaponry. The only noticeable change is swapping conventional explosive
warheads for HE-PLAS on most bombs and HE/A on CBs. Manufactured in
great numbers by practically every weapon factory, bombs have been the
most used air to ground weapon in the whole history of Assault Knights.

variant: 500kg Freefall Bomb - FB 500
variant: 6x100kg Freefall Bomb - FB 6x100
variant: 250kg Course-Correcting Bomb - CB 250
variant: 250kg Wide Area Detonating Device - WAD 250

Internal Bomb Bay
variant: 4*500kg Freefall Bomb Bay - FB 4x500 Bay
variant: 24*100kg Freefall Bomb Bay - FB 24x100 Bay
variant: 4*250kg Wide Area Detonation Device Bay - WAD 4x250 Bay

Assault Knights - at first the police force of New Earth Colonies, transformed into a military force when the Omni invasion struck.
CIP - Cerny Interstellar Producing. Known for shipping advanced military systems, often with cooperation with SIAD.
New Earth - the capital of New Earth Colonies and the first planet to be colonised.
New Earth Colonies - formed as a temporary alliance of colonies until the Earth was found again, cemented when the search has failed.
Slavika - the main industrial world of New Earth Colonies. Home of SIAD, CIP and Turgenev Arms.
- Slavika Institute of Armaments and Defense. The most and practicaly
the only renowed military science facility in the New Earth Colonies
space, the SIAD is well known for creating advanced weapon systems
popular with Assault Knight units.
Turgenev Arms
- Weapons development company, taking pride in their Russian ancestry.
Known for providing crude but effective weapons, liked mostly by the
technical crew of Assault Knights.

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