It's been a while since anyone on the team posted a news update, so as requested here's an update for all those interested in the project!
Perhaps the first most important thing to mention is that code is now progressing, Minuit from the Cry of Fear team has started coding things for us. It's still early days for code, but we have some nice features coded in which we'll hopefully expand upon.
We're also in talks with another coder... but I'm not sure if I can say anything about that yet!
Another new addition to the team is the extremely talented MikeeFunks who has taken time out from a high profile project to record some fine lines for us. Have a listen to some of them here:
Toadie as ever has been busy modelling and animating (all in between University & Jobs). We now have all of our weapon models finished, most of them animated and textured.
Toadie has also been plying his skills to character animation, creating a beautifully animated set of animations which rival those seen in Bad Company 2. Sadly I can't show them here though - hopefully at some point we can get a video reel of Toadie's great work up.
Lastly I have been busying myself with various different things - chiefly mapping, but also texture art and modelling.
During the last year I have made 4 maps, 3 of which are extremely large. Some screens of these can be seen below:
We're a small team, but a dedicated one. Of course we're always glad to hear from people who are interested in joining, so if you think you can help out with Mapping / Character Modelling / Texturing then we would be more than happy to hear from you!
Look forward to our next update, which hopefully won't be in a years time (and will probably cover the many things I've forgotten about in this post)
Good luck!
Looks nice
It's lookin nice
i like it ^_^
Your image links are all messed up.
Nice work. Btw, I laughed when I saw "Annual Update".
When i first saw i thought it says anal update
Happy to see you guys are doing great, keep that up :D
needs some color correction to compensate the grey textures