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As Empire: Total War has its 10th anniversary we decided to release a new beta for 1.2 - the anniversary beta, with new ships, 130 new historical characters and Danish units.

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Today is the 10th anniversary of Empire: Total War. So we decided to release a little anniversary gift for Empire: Total War and our fans; the anniversary beta.

While 1.2 - The Northern Wars Update is still under development you can see many things that will be in 1.2:

The first infantry units of the Danish army are done:

denmark standart inf

1. Danish Line Infantry
2. Danish Grenadiers
3. Danish Light Infantry
4. Danish Life Regiment
5. Norwegian Line Infantry
6. Norwegian Grenadiers
7. Norwegian Life Regiment

Russian Army:

1537630922 isrussiaicons

Also apart from the new ship paintings done by myfate, some new special ships can be build:
Christian den Syvende, Denmark


Amazon-Class, Great Britain

amazon class

Tonnant-Class, France

Tonnant Class

Montañés-Class, Spain:

Montanes Class

Furthermore Saxony, the US, Sweden and Denmark have their own culture now, meaning they have unique campaign map models (except the Danish, theirs are not yet done) and historical characters.

Campaign Map Models

1. Sweden
2. Saxony
3. United States

Following the culture support 130 (recruitable) historical characters have been added to the game:

United States:


US Government

1. President: Elias Boudinot
2. Secretary of State: Robert R. Livingston
3. Secretary of the Treasury: Robert Morris
4. Attorney General: Thomas McKean
5. Secretary of War: Benjamin Lincoln
6. Secretary of the Navy: Gouverneur Morris
7. George Washington
8. Thomas Jefferson
9. Alexander Hamilton
10. John Jay
11. Henry Knox


USA Generals

1. Nathanael Greene (starting general)
2. Arthur St. Clair (starting general)
3. Anthony Wayne (starting general)
4. Josiah Harmar (recruit before 1798) NEW
5. Daniel Morgan (recruit before 1802) NEW
6. Henry Dearborn (recruit before 1796) NEW
7. William Hull (recruit before 1798) NEW
8. James Wilkinson (recruit before 1802) NEW


USA Admirals

1. John Barry (starting general)
2. Thomas Truxtun (recruit before 1800) NEW
3. Richard Dale (recruit before 1801) NEW
4. Edward Preble (no recruitment limitations) NEW


US Gentlemen and  woman

1. Benjamin Franklin (starting gentleman)
2. Benjamin Rush NEW
3. David Rittenhouse NEW
4. Thomas Paine NEW
5. Benjamin Banneker NEW
6. William Shippen Jr. NEW
7. Susanna Rowson NEW
8. Eli Whitney NEW


US Envoys

1. John Adams (starting envoy)
2. William Carmichael NEW
3. Rufus King NEW
4. James Monroe NEW
5. William Short NEW



Sachsen Government

1. Churfürst: Friedrich August III
2. Kabinettsminister: Heinrich Gottlieb von Stutterheim
3. Kabinettsminister: Johann Adolf vom Loß (generic portrait)
4. Kabinettsminister: Carl-Abraham Graf von Fritsch (generic portrait)
5. Kabinettsminister: Karl August von Gersdorff
6. Kabinettsminister: Adolf Heinrich Graf von Schönberg
7. Christian Gotthelf von Gutschmid
8. Otto Friedrich von Loeben
9. Friedrich Ludwig von Wurmb
10. Johann Georg Graf von Einsiedel
11. Detlef Karl Graf von Einsiedel


Sachsen Generals

1. Ludwig Ernst von Benckendorf (starting general)
2. Prinz Friedrich Ferdinand Constantin von Sachsen-Weimar (recruit before 1793) NEW
3. Friedrich Ludwig Aster (no recruitment limitations) NEW
4. Heinrich Wilhelm von Zeschau (no recruitment limitations) NEW
5. Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand von Funck (no recruitment limitations) NEW
6. Heinrich Adolph von Gablenz (no recruitment limitations) NEW
7. Johann von Thielmann (recruitable from 1785 onwards) NEW
8. Karl Christian Erdmann von Le Coq (recruitable from 1787 onwards) NEW


Sachsen Gentlemen

1. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (starting gentleman)
2. Johann Gottlieb Tielke NEW
3. Johann Gottfried Herder NEW
4. Abraham Gottlob Werner NEW
5. Friedrich Schiller NEW
6. Christoph Martin Wieland NEW
7. Johann Gottlieb Fichte NEW


Sachsen Envoys

1. Andreas Graf von Riaucour (starting envoy)
2. Friedrich August Graf von Zinzendorf und Pottendorf NEW
3. Hans Moritz Graf von Brühl NEW


Hanoverian Government:

Hannover Government

1. Churfürst George III
2. Geheimer Rat Carl Rud. Aug. Graf von Kielmannsegge
3. Geheimer Rat und Kammerpräsident Detlev Alexander von Wenckstern
4. Geheimer Rat Ludwig Friedrich von Beulwitz
5. Geheimer Rat Johann Friedrich Karl von Alvensleben
6. Geheimer Rat Christian Ludwig August von Arnswaldt
7. Wilhelm August Rudloff
8. Friedrich Ludwig von Berlepsch
9. Claus von der Decken NEW
10. August Wilhelm Rehberg
11. Georg Friedrich Brandes


Hannover Generals

1. Heinrich Wilhelm von Freytag (starting general)
2. August de la Motte (recruit before 1788)
3. Johann Ludwig, Reichsgraf von Wallmoden-Gimborn (no recruitment limitations)
4. Rudolf von Hammerstein (no recruitment limitations)
5. Ernst, Herzog zu Mecklenburg (do not recruit before 1787)
6. Christoph August von Wangenheim (do not recruit before 1786)
7. Gerhard Scharnhorst (recruit before 1800)
8. Carl von Alten (recruitable from 1784 onwards)
9. Ernst August von Großbrittannien (recruitable from 1791 onwards)
10. Peter Joseph du Plat (no recruitment limitations)
11. Rudolph von Bodecker (no recruitment limitations)
12. Christian von Ompteda (recruitable from 1785 onwards)


Hannover Admiral

1. Christian Gottlieb Daniel Müller (starting admiral)
2. Joachim Deetjen (no recruitment limitations) NEW


Hannover Researcher

1. Georg Christoph Lichternberg (starting gentleman)
2. Christian Gottlob Heyne (starting gentleman)
3. Adolph Freyherr Knigge NEW
4. Johann Friedrich Blumenbach
5. Georg Ludwig Böhmer
6. Abraham Gotthelf Kästner
7. Johann Stephan Pütter
8. August Ludwig Schlözer
9. Johann Georg Heinrich Feder
10. Friedrich Benjamin Osiander NEW
11. Therese Huber NEW
12. Dorothea Schlözer
13. Johann Friedrich Gmelin NEW
14. Gustav Hugo NEW
15. Arnold Hermann Ludwig Heeren NEW
16. Theodor Hagemann NEW
17. Philippine von Reden NEW


Hannover Envoys

1. D.(ietrich) H.(einrich) L.(udwig) Freyherr von Ompteda NEW
2. Basilius von Ramdohr NEW
3. Ernst Graf zu Münster NEW
4. Joachim von Schwarzkopf NEW



Denmark Government

1. Konge: Christian VII
2. Statsminister: Ove Høegh-Guldberg NEW
3. Deputeret i Finanskollegiet: Joachim Otto von Schack-Rathlou NEW
4. Deputeret i Kancelliet: Bolle Willum Luxdorph NEW
5. Deputeret i Generalitetskollegiet:Hans Henrik von Eickstedt NEW
6. Deputeret i Admiralitetskollegiet: Joachim Godske Moltke NEW
7. Andreas Peter greve von Bernstorff NEW
8. Ernst lensgreve von Schimmelmann NEW
9. C.D.F. lensgreve Reventlow NEW
10. Heinrich Wilhelm von Huth NEW
11. Frederik Christian Rosenkrantz NEW


Denmark Generals

1. Carl landgreve af Hessen (starting general)
2. Georg Frederik von Krogh (starting general) NEW
3. Johann von Ewald (starting general) NEW
4. Frederik von Haxthausen (recruit before 1795) NEW
5. Frederik hertug af Württemberg (no recruitment limitations) NEW
6. Valentin von Berger (do not recruit before 1784) NEW
7. Ernst Peymann (no recruitment limitations) NEW
8. Joachim Castenschiold (do not recruit before 1788) NEW


Denmark Admirals

1. Frederik Christian Kaas (starting admiral)
2. Johan Olfert Fischer (recruit before 1792) NEW
3. Steen Andersen Bille (recruit before 1796) NEW
4. Lorentz Fisker (recruit before 1798) NEW
5. Hans lensbaron Holsten (no recruitment limitations) NEW
6. Hans Christian Sneedorff (no recruitment limitations) NEW
7. Carl Wilhelm Jessen (recruitable from 1784 onwards) NEW
8. Michael Bille (recruitable from 1789 onwards) NEW
9. Simon Hooglant (starting admiral) NEW


Denmark Gentlemen

1. Carsten Niebuhr (starting gentleman)
2. Henrik Gerner NEW
3. Johan Andreas Cramer NEW
4. Christian Ulrich von Eggers NEW
5. Børge Riisbrigh NEW
6. Thomas Bugge NEW
7. Frantz Hohlenberg NEW


Denmark Diplomats

1. Peter Anker (starting envoy) NEW
2. Otto von Blome NEW
3. Niels Rosenkrantz NEW
4. Christopher Vilhelm Dreyer NEW


Denmark missionary

1. Friedrich Münter NEW
2. Frederik Plum NEW
3. Christian Bastholm NEW



Sweden Government

1. Kung: Gustav III
2. Kanslipresident: Ulrik Scheffer
3. President i Statskontoret: Johan Liljencrantz
4. Justitiekanslern: Carl Axel Wachtmeister
5. Statssekreterare vid Krigsexpeditionen: Johan Gustav von Carlsson
6. Överamiral vid örlogsflottan: Henrik af Trolle
7. Gustav Philip Creutz (candidate)
8. Eric Ruuth (candidate)
9. Carl August Ehrensvärd (candidate)
10. Johan Gabriel Oxenstierna (candidate)
11. Carl Lagerbring (candidate)


Sweden Generals 1

1. Johan August Meijerfeldt (starting general)
2. Anders Rudolf du Rietz (starting general) NEW
3. Curt von Stedingk (recruit before 1791) NEW
4. Gustaf Mauritz Armfelt (recruit before 1802)
5. Gustaf Wachtmeister (recruit before 1802) NEW
6. Georg Carl von Döbeln (recruit before 1803) NEW
7. Carl Johan Adlercreutz (recruit before 1802) NEW
8. Johan August Sandels (recruitable from 1784 onwards) NEW


Sweden Admirals 1

1. Karl hertig av Södermanland (starting admiral)
2. Carl Vilhelm Modée (recruit before 1798) NEW
3. Johan af Puke (recruit before 1796) NEW
4. Eric af Klint (no recruitment limitations) NEW
5. Carl Olof Cronstedt (recruit before 1801) NEW
6. Salomon von Rajalin (recruit before 1802) NEW


Sweden Gentlemen

1. Fredrik Henrik af Chapman (starting gentleman)
2. Eva Ekeblad NEW
3. Anders Sparrman NEW
4. Jonas Carlsson Dryander NEW
5. Johan Wilcke NEW
6. Anders Chydenius NEW
7. Gustaf Fredrik Gyllenborg NEW


Sweden Envoys

1. Hans Axel von Fersen (starting envoy)
2. Erik Magnus Staël von Holstein NEW
3. Ulric Celsing NEW
4. Gustaf Adam von Nolcken NEW
5. Göran Ulrik Silfverhielm NEW

British Envoys:

Britain Envoys

1. William Hamilton (starting envoy)
2. James Harris NEW
3. Robert Murray Keith NEW
4. Charles Whitworth NEW
5. Alleyne FitzHerbert NEW
6. Thomas Grenville NEW
7. George Viscount Trentham NEW
8. George Hammond NEW
9. Thomas Earl of Elgin and Earl of Kincardine NEW

Prussian Envoys:

Prussia Envoys

1. Spiridion Graf von Lusi (starting envoy) NEW
2. Heinrich Friedrich von Diez NEW
3. Girolamo Lucchesini NEW
4. Georg Friedrich von Böhmer NEW
5. Ludwig Christoph Graf von Keller NEW
6. Johann Eustach Graf von Görtz NEW
7. Wilhelm von Humboldt NEW

French Envoys:

France Envoys

1. Anne-César, Chevalier de la Luzerne (starting envoy) NEW
2. Louis Philippe comte de Ségur NEW
3. François-Emmanuel comte de Saint-Priest NEW
4. Charles chevalier d'Éon NEW
5. Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord NEW
6. Adrien-Louis duc de Guînes NEW
7. Pierre Auguste Adet NEW
8. Edmond-Charles Genêt NEW
9. Charles-Louis Huguet de Montaran NEW

In addition Saxony has now a philosophy tech-tree:

1.2 Social Contract
1.3 Specimen usus moderni pandectarum 'contemporary practice on Roman law'
1.4 Kameralismus 'Cameralism'
2.1 Enlightenment
2.2 Geheimes Kabinett 'Secret Cabinet' (faction specific)
2.3 Codex Augusteus 'Augustan Codex', collection of all Saxon Laws (faction specific)
2.4 Porzellan 'Meissen porcelain' (faction specific)
3.2 Separation of Powers
3.4 Kameralwissenschaften 'cameralistics'
4.1 Universal-Lexicon 'Encyclopedia of All Sciences and Arts'
4.2 Empfindsamkeit 'Sentimentalism'
4.4 Kommerzkollegium 'commerce college'
5.1 Naturgeschichte 'Natural history'
5.3 Naturrecht 'Natural law'
6.1 Königliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften 'Academy of Sciences'
6.2 Rétablissement 'recovery of Saxony after the 7YW'
6.4 Single-entry Bookkeeping System
7.2 Sturm und Drang 'storm and stress'
7.3 Abolition of Torture
7.4 National Debt
8.1 Scientific Method
8.4 Free Trade Doctrine
9.2 Weimarer Klassik 'Weimar Classicism'
9.3 Vernunftrecht 'rational law'
9.4 Classical Economics

At last some minor changes have been done, such as renaming some towns (many thanks to The Shark) or all new infantry units fire now with all ranks (thanks to Elianus).

PikeStance {DB Editor | Minor Startpos Editor | Historical Researcher}
oleg2242 {Historical Researcher | 3D and 2D Artist}
Quintus Hortensius Hortalus {2D and 3D Artist | Historical Researcher}
Cro_Hunger999 {Historical Researcher}
myfate {2D Artist | DB Editor}
TSanada {Technical Support/Developer of Launcher, website and Installers}

Post comment Comments
Branchez93 - - 37 comments

When do you expect to release full The Northern Wars Update?

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QuintusHortensius Author
QuintusHortensius - - 962 comments

We planned it to happen next month.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Guest - - 695,495 comments

im having issues installing, i tried the way your directions explained but i had trouble reading it due to the small type. should i use the data folder? is there something im doing wrong

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
QuintusHortensius Author
QuintusHortensius - - 962 comments

Only if you install manually.
You can find the tutorial also here:
and here:
Click right on the images and select show graphic to see them a full resolution.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
nathandufour78 - - 5 comments


I've some problems with the anniversary beta. I'm playing as France and I finish to built every military building in Paris and the tech tree military is over, but there's still a lot of unit who are suppose to be unlock that a I can't see in the recruitment line. Now I understand that a lot of this units are specifics to the French Republic and not the royalist, but for example I can't find the "regiment du roy" or again the "gardes françaises" or the "infanterie de Marine". Can you help me ?


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