The Reborn!
This is both a communicate and a explanation.
First of all, besides the title above, this project have never died. It has been through a lot of issues, tho.
That made me be afar from social media for a while.
I will not describe all we've been through. I only want to say the greatest issues were the loss of team members and the loss of some files.
That said, I'm announcing now we are returning strengthened by these setbacks!
So, how it will be now?
The core design remain the same:
"In Age of Empires III: Ancient Empires you will relive the Ancient Era, from 3000 BC until the year 1 AD. Three thousand years to appreciate the true first great empires of humanity. You can experience the story of many magnificent civilizations of the ancient world, not necessarily the most remembered, but surely Great Empires."
However now we have a singular opportunity of rework all our civs!
And we are inviting YOU to join us in this awesome quest!
Now we are also in Discord. There we can have a more fluid talk and receive suggestions!
Also, we are now in need of new team members that really want to help!
Contact us at any time.
My best regards,
Luck for all of us,
That's good to hear, I hope we'll get some updates!