Post news RSS Ambrov X - Gearing Up for Kickstarter - September 3rd

We are gearing up for Kickstarter on September 3rd, the Cincy Comicon on Sept. 6th and the Cincinnati Comic Expo on September 13th!

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Loreful's Ambrov X team is hard at work on our latest Pre-Alpha Build in anticipation of our Kickstarter on September 3rd! We are also polishing the build to a playable state so that those of you in the Cincinnati Area can join us in playing the prototype at the First Annual, Cincy Comicon (on Sept. 6th) and the Cincinnati Comic Expo (on Sept.13th)!

We're pleased with the latest build, in polish it's looking a lot like a Beta. So we couldn't be more pleased.

If you haven't, check us out on the web at and give us a like on Facebook!

Guest - - 706,193 comments

Having been a fan for many years and read, and re-read all the books, I can tell you that this is going to be a fantastic game that that follows the 'Lore' of the Sime~Gen Universe. Whether you have read Sime~Gen, heard of it, or even if you have never heard of it before, this game will grab your attention and take you on a ride of your lifetime, and then you will want the books to see what lead to where this game takes place.

Sectuib Zoe Farris ambrov Halwyn.

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