Post news Report RSS Alpha V1.5 now released

Come take a look at the various updates in the latest build of The Sentient.

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First and foremost thank you guys for your support with the greenlight so far. The game is doing well but still needs your support. Please vote and tell your friends as well. Click the greenlight images to be taken to the page.

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Below are some of the key features that have been added in this build along with some new items that have been added since the last article.

Crew Perks... and Issues

Crew members have always had attributes that affect their gameplay. These attributes altered the amount of experience it takes to level, the speed at which they travel around the ship and even their ability to work as a team to name a few. The top issues and perks were tracked in order to show the difference in crew members at a quick glance.

This takes that system a step forward and based on the attributes of the crew members provide an additional perk such as quicker experience gain or someone who has low work ethic may ultimately have their fun meter reduced even greater while working shifts.


Crew Experience

The crew leveling system has been enabled in order to add a greater importance on ensuring the crew members that you take out with you make it back alive. Having a veteran crew greatly assists in the event of any events due to the ability to quickly generate needed systems and repairs.

Crew members gain experience while working on various systems on the ship that need improving. This occurs for things like raising the shields, repairing ship objects and even flying the ship to name a few.


Crew Morale

The morale system was created at the origin of the game to put a greater emphasis on an actual living crew. Crew members jobs have a direct correlation to their morale. You can force a crew member to never go on break but their health and morale will continuously drop. A crew member with the ability to produce 10 points of shields will only produce 5 points of shields when their morale drops to 50%


Room Monitors

Tracking all of this information with the changes can be a little daunting and requires quite a bit of drilling down. To help alleviate this and aid in some of the confusion room monitors were added to help visually show at a quick glance what is being produced.

In the image below for instance you can see that 3 units of weapon power is being produced and 2 units of shields are being made from your crew. Based on their skill levels and the morale this value can greatly increase. As with everything in the game clicking on the monitors will open an additional UI menu to see all the data in a numerical format.


The Game still needs your support as every vote does count!sign steam greenlight en

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