Post news Report RSS ALL ROUGH MAPS COMPLETED! Dinosaurs, Robots, Rogue Ai and many bugs! Updates n stuff

In this article I'm detailing the latest news I have about the project. Including length, NPCs, bugs and most importantly.... CONTENT!

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Hello again, I'm sure to some people it's almost surprising that the mod isn't dead in the water yet. Especially with how big of a task it's turning out to be! I've spent the last month straight on the game and I have some really good news first off. The game is playable start to finish albeit in a very rough state, I recorded a playthrough which is where most of the new pictures I've posted have come from. With me knowing where to go and what to do, the game clocks in at just a little over 5 hours long! I understand this might be a little long for some people, but don't worry as the fat will be trimmed at a later date.

As you can see I have replaced all the photos on this page with new ones as the old ones didn't look very good in my opinion. So enjoy some cool new pics!

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I am really happy with how things are going, especially since now I can focus on making the maps look more realistic and start creating an atmosphere. The most important thing for me right now is ironing out the bugs that are present in the game (OF WHICH THERE ARE MANY!). As well as this, there is still a large amount of custom content to be added, including NPCs and weapons etc. We're currently experimenting with things so I don't want to get anyone's hopes up so that's where I'll end that. I want to get around to implementing the targeting system from the PS2 port of Half-Life, as I want to make this game as user friendly as possible.

The maps themselves although being finished technically in the sense they can be completed, definitely are in their Half-Life Alpha 0.52 state with a bit more detail needed before I can unveil anymore.

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I have been prioritizing scripted sequences and adding to the story of the game, I have taken a route similar to Bioshock in that there are audio logs scattered around the maps for lore. If you're into that sort of thing of course, completely optional to the player whether they want to invest themselves in the world of Mr B's Big Adventure haha.

You will have to keep yourself stocked up on cash throughout the game if you want to experience the more fun and powerful weapons, as you wont be gunning your way through corridor after corridor finding an RPG like base half life, at least until the later levels that is! There's currently two places we've created to get weapons. One is in the save rooms that you can find in the world where you pay £15 for a random weapon, The other is a marketplace called "Flames!" where you can buy everything from the scottish delicacy Haggis, to a Grenade Launcher.

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Finally I want to tease what I call the star of the show, as I've previously stated in other articles. A big part of this game is time travel. You are transported to the Cretaceous Era, which means you meet animals who don't exactly want to sit around a campfire and sing songs with you. These guys have a lot of bugs currently so I can't show any real footage of them until we fix them. I hope to unveil a teaser trailer by next year hopefully. All being well in life of course. So for now enjoy these photos!

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Leave a comment if you want to help with anything such as voice acting, modelling or texturing! Always could use a few helping hands. Have a good day everyone Peace! - Mr. Dev

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Qwertyus - - 2,558 comments

There are always people who can complete in half of hour mod that you played for 5 hours, so nothing to worry about regarding the gameplay duration until it's not boring :D

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