Post news RSS Alien Arena: Warriors of Mars - released on Steam!

Alien Arena: Warriors Of Mars has been released on Steam, a culmination of a four year development cycle in which the entire game was completely overhauled.

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It has begun! A new era for Alien Arena has launched, the culmination of four years of development that resulted in a complete overhaul of the game.

The fast-paced, old-school shooter remains true to it's forced in-game purchases to give advantages to other differences in character abilities. It remains a true Arena FPS game. Fast...brutal...viscerally gory, yet appealing. Innovations such as the Minderaser, All Out Assault, and Tactical keep the game pushing the envelope foward and keeping things from getting stale.

The game features a traditional server browser that allows you the freedom to join whatever server you wish, with matchmaking "advice" rather than "restriction". We also allow for a variety of graphical tweaks, settings, and scaleability that make the game far more playable than the typical AAA game in this genre.

If you love fast paced, wild action, and a cool retro sci-fi theme...if you love Arena FPS're going to fall in love with AA: WoM. It has everything that the fans of the genre have been clamoring for over the years, but have been ignored by the AAA titles. Grab a copy today, and get fragging!

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Follow the game on Steam, and stay tuned for prize tournament announcements over the coming weeks, all leading up to Winter Dreamhack 2017, where COR Entertainment will be hosting a variety of Alien Arena tournaments!

Olku_ - - 2,081 comments

Wait wasnt this game free? lol

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Irritant_new Author
Irritant_new - - 210 comments

You can still get a free version at our website via our SVN, as well as through Linux distros. We'll also put up a .zip snapshot of it later this week for those who don't wish to use SVN.

However, the Steam version has a lot of extras, many more skins, more maps, and all of the stats, achievements, trading cards, and other goodies, plus automatic updating of everything.

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