Post news RSS A quick update.

Work continues. This update doesn't bring much in the way of juicy media/videos, but hopefully those of you who care about Zombies will be mildly excited by the news.

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Hi all.
As you all know, IRL can be pretty busy sometimes.
Work continues on Zombies however. I don't have much to show you, but to give you a brief idea of what's going on, I'm estimating that the work required before the initial release will be broken up in to two "sprints".

The first sprint I'll be finishing my map. The second sprint will be polish.
Tentatively speaking, each sprint will be somewhere between 50 and 120 hours of work.
With that in mind, I'd like to remind you that IRL can be busy, and the team can't always put in as many hours as we might like. Frankly I wouldn't mind working on the mod full time for a couple of weeks, but that isn't happening :P

See you soon.

hench96 - - 16 comments

good to hear that you are still working on it

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Griffo619 - - 61 comments

Glad to hear this mod isn't dead, keep up with the good work!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
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