Post news RSS 8-Bit Adventures 2 November 2018 Video Update

Time flies, doesn't it? I've been hard at work on the game, but I'm back with another update - this time in video form! And for American players, just in time for Thanksgiving =)

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Time flies, doesn't it? I've been hard at work on the game, but I'm back with another update - this time in video form! And for American players, just in time for Thanksgiving =)

8-Bit Adventures 2 November 2018 Update

I'm sorry it's been so long since the last update, but the game is progressing really well. However, I've got both good news and bad news. It's not exactly a trailer, but I've prepared a sort of 'sizzle reel' that you can watch below. I really hope everyone enjoys it!

If you want to skip straight to the gameplay, please go to 1:54 on the video.

So, as most of you have probably guessed, 8-Bit Adventures 2 will be released in 2019. I feel terrible for breaking another release window and keeping you all waiting. But I'm also not going to release an unfinished game, or something that isn't worthy of the support you've all shown me these past 3 years.

Even though I won't give a date, the end is nigh! With a few small exceptions, all of the mapping is complete (the final dungeon was completed a few weeks ago), cutscenes are at least 90% completed, environments are fully functional, NPCs are all written and implemented, the game's systems are all in place and finalised...The biggest challenges on the horizon are battles, balancing and testing (and lots of work has already been done on these fronts).

This game has been an incredible learning experience for me, and a much bigger project than I ever could've anticipated. Every other game I've worked on has taken around 6-12 months to complete - which is why my previous estimates for this game have been so wrong. Mistakes were made (and learnt from), but overall it's been a pretty smooth process. It's just also a pretty big game =)

Floating Tower Graphic

I'm sure this news will disappoint some, but I just wanted to say that you guys are amazing. I love talking with you all, meeting new people through this game (and my previous works), and the patience and support you've shown me has really kept me on track these last few years. We don't celebrate Thanksgiving in Australia, but I'm always thankful for you guys!

I sincerely hope you enjoyed the video and, as always, I'm more than happy to answer any questions you may have about the game. Well, to a point...spoilers ;)

The closer we get to release, the more I'm going to have to say and show, so please stay tuned! And if you haven't already, add 8-Bit Adventures 2 to your Steam Wishlist to get notified when it releases!

That's All Folks!

I always post 8-Bit Adventures 2 news here on Steam (on the 8-Bit Adventures 1, 8-Bit Adventures 2, and Tales Across Time pages), but I also highly recommend following @CriticalGamesAU on Twitter, as that’s the best way I’ve found to keep up-to-date on news!

You can also explore the 8-Bit Adventures 2 Website for more info and screenshots, or check Facebook at:

And don't forget the newest addition - the Critical Games Creator Page: Follow that page or wishlist the game to be notified when 8-Bit Adventures 2 is finally released!

Thank you everyone for your support; I'll have another update post next month.

Hopefully my intro in the video wasn't too bad! I was up past 4AM getting it all finished...Phew! ~Josh

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