You are the last or so it appears. They are everywhere, the undead stalk you slowly. Something is changing about them... They are evolving. You need to find a safe place... and fast too. They are approching. More and more come every day. Being immune to the sickness is great but nobody appears to be immune to death. This mod was first attempeted with HL1 but it didn't quite work out so the choice was made to wait for the source engine. Soon, the team died and I was stuck alone working. Hard Drive Failure is a tough thing I found out! After the Hard Drive for some reason stopped working I had to RESTART!!! I have made the basics and have restarted the project a few weeks back. Playable Betas Will be included to prove we ARE doing something (When we have the basics complete anyways)

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Zombies: Source Has New Pics!

Zombies: Source Has New Pics!


Just grabbed some new pictures from the alpha's maps.