World War II is a total conversion GeneralsZH with a focus on multiplayer battles in the style of the Second World War.

Report RSS The full patchnote from v 0.26 to 0.27

The full patchnote from v 0.26 to 0.27. List of changes in the latest updates.

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The full patchnote from v 0.26 to 0.27

Logo WW2 Blood of War

List of changes in the update from 21.11.2021
General update v 0.27.0 "Blood of War"

- Reduced the background sound of the Japanese doser engine
- Added "attack on the move" command to the "teisitai" commandset (Japanese kamikaze infantryman)
- Fixed incorrect placement of interconnection between commandsets, sub-factions and upgrades in the heavy factory of the USSR
- Reduced the area of ​​damage from primary and secondary damage for KV2 (by 33%). Damage and reload - no changes.
- Increased the affected area (by 100%) and the damage of the Sturmtiger (by 100%). Added secondary damage (20% of the primary) with a hit area of ​​150% of the primary. Increased recharge up to 24 seconds, removed "clip" charge.
- Fixed the pink textures of the B-17 bomber from special weapones (when it receives damage).
- Increased the price of support trucks from 250-300 to 400 (all nations)
- Increased the price of the Matilda mk.II tank from 500 to 570
- Added hulk for StugIII
- Gentool version raised to 8.5 in full mod installer
- Fixed image of British pilot
- Fixed japanese officer's image
- Changed armor upgrade image for IS series tanks
- Changed upgrade to invisibility of all equipment of the NKVD sub-faction
- Changed upgrade image to individual invisibility of buildings
- Added anti-tank hedgehog image
- Infantrymen with rifles of all nations can now place anti-tank hedgehogs.
- Removed decals, that displaying the range of anti-mine ability for all dozers. The community believes (add poll link) that the ability to build directly "on the dozer" is more important than this and the simplicity of visual recognition.
- Reduced the countdown timer for Nuclear Strike by 2 times (5 minutes now).
- Fixed a broken archive of maps, due to which some of the maps in the test version could not be displayed
- Repacked test archives (so that nothing is lost)
- Fixed changing the texture of a motorcycle in germany when taking damage (if there is a desert texture)
- Fixed shellmap (added fuel storage so that the vehicle does not stand)
- Updated test site
- Fixed weapon preset for allied shooters (removed priority of Molotov cocktails for infantry)
- Increased minimum attack distance for SMG infantry (otherwise no damage)
- Increased the minimum attack distance for infantrymen with rifles (otherwise no damage)
- Fixed the size of the area allocated for the construction of fuel storage
- An attempt to fix the pak40 texture disappearing bug on some maps
- Adjusted the traverse speed of turrets of all anti-aircraft guns
- Fixed a damaged model of a civilian brick water tower (found on the Shtugard map in the upper right corner of the city)
- Reduce the size of the model of the Italian tank m13
- Anti-tank hedgehogs are now available to all infantry with rifles (all nations)
- Removed the fuel consumption of a Japanese tier 1 tank - Chi-Ha (the weakest in terms of aggregate performance characteristics, its will give some advantages).
- Fixed incorrect shot point for all anti-tank guns of the USSR and the USA (from the CC which) when firing a high-explosive projectile
- An attempt to correct the corners of the barrel of all Daimlers in order to remove the disappearance of the projectile when firing a high-explosive projectile on / on an inclined surface
- ACS M-12 (KingKong) Allies - fixed animations and switching m / d modes of their display
- Fixed shot sound for all art. platforms (USSR and Germany)
- Fixed commandset of all art. platforms (USSR and Germany)
- Reduced size of art. platforms in Germany by 10%
- Fixed the icon for the German SS submachine gunner (in the order queue window)
- Fixed disappearance of BF-109 at the airfield with low health value
- Another attempt to fix the disappearance of the damage Me 262
- Added special. Ability for all nations: "Emergency fuel supplies" (available from level 1). Gives 25 units of fuel for 45 seconds, cooldown - 4 minutes.
- Added an icon and description for the "Emergency Fuel Delivery" ability.
- Completely redesigned game UI based on the high resolution monitor GUI by Xezon (authored by Gentool). Special thanks for permission to use his materials as a basis.
- Fixed commandsets of all stationary artillery guns.
- Fixed the "Additional funding" ability icon
- Fixed "Panzerschokolade" ability icon
- Fixed "Pilot Training" icon for Allies
- Fixed "Tankmen training" icon for Allies
- Fixed icons for carpet bombing abilities of the USSR and Japan
- Removed the ability to plant mines from the air for the USSR (remains only in Japan)
- Added "Synthetic Fuel" upgrade for Germany. After studying the upgrade, the fuel consumption of most buildings of the faction is reduced (for more details, it is indicated on the catfish building). The researching takes place in the Supply Center.
- Added the ability "Tank overflow" for German fuel storage facilities (+ 200% to the storage volume, deals damage over time).
- Introduced a new type of armor for dozers (the same as the old one, but with resistance to mine damage - only 5% damage passes).
- The requirement to reach rank 4 to gain access to bombers of all nations has been removed. Now only the Strategic Center is needed.
- The number of attack aircraft of all nations available for construction has been increased from 6 to 8.
- Rebalancing of fuel consumption for units and buildings. More details in a separate list.
- Full revision of the descriptions of units and buildings. Corrections / additions / garbage cleaning + fuel consumption is marked everywhere in accordance with the unit settings.
- Due to frequent complaints from the audience about the high level of difficulty in the game, it was decided to correct this misunderstanding.

The game introduces a new resource and related mechanics - "fuel" (replaces energy from vanilla).

- Power plants of all nations in the game have been replaced with fuel storage units containing 12 fuel units for the USSR and the Allies and 8 units each for Germany and Japan. The amount of stored fuel can be increased by an upgrade.
- Neutral captured refineries and Oil Rigs also provide fuel (50 and 25 units, respectively).
- All armored vehicles and aircraft in the game start to consume fuel. Without it, she does not move and cannot fire.
- All manufacturing factories and radars are also dependent on the availability of fuel. They don't work without it.
- Fixed new kameos on upgrades
- Fixed new descriptions

Fuel consumption by groups of units in the current patch (approximate)

- Buildings (all) - no changes (like old energy consumption)
- All wheeled vehicles / dozers / support trucks / light armored vehicles - 0 units
- Armored vehicles of the 1st level - 1 unit
- Armored vehicles of the 2nd level / aviation of the 1st level - 2 units
- Heavy equipment - 3-4 units
- Heavy equipment of the 5th era - 4-5 units
- Bombers - 3 units

The exact fuel consumption is contained in the unit description (upon construction).

When there is a lack of fuel, they are turn ched off:

- All equipment that consumes oil (AFV with cannons and autocannons / anti-aircraft guns / tanks / aircraft)
- Radars (and mobile ones too)
- All manufacturing factories, except for Supply and CC

When there is a lack of fuel, they DO NOT turn off:

- Barracks, souplai, CC, TC
- Stationary protective structures erected by dosers
- Motorcycles / Jeeps / AFVs with machine guns (and BA-6 as an exception)
- Dozers / Supple Trucks / Infantry Trucks (except sdkfz 251b)
- Towed guns (what we build in the CC)

Fuel we can get:

- Capturing an oil rig (25 units)
- Capturing the refinery (50 units)
- By building a fuel storage (12 or 8 units. The number of units depends on the nation, how much is written in the description when building)
- By purchasing an upgrade on the fuel storage (increasing the amount of stored fuel in a specific storage by 2 times)

We also updated the game launcher

launcher 111

General list of improvements in the launcher (v.114):

- Added functionality for updating GenTool (actual version is 8.5)
- Fixed a possible reason for the error during the update (inability to finish downloading / gaining access to write the file)
- Slightly optimized update process
- Added update of the "updater.jar" file if necessary
- Added the ability to enable displaying logs to all users, not only in tester mode
- Added functionality for forced update (reload and overwrite all files, without checking the version or the need to update them)
- Removed the display of the functionality of changing the screen resolution (it still did not work)

General list of improvements in the launcher (v.113):

- Changed the title of the help section to ReadMe
- Added checking and fixing Gentool config and config files when launching launcher
- Added display of the launcher version on the main screen (lower right corner)

New version of full-installer was released!

We are glad to present you a new full installer for the new version 0.27!

Due to the fact that many people encounter problems installing the mod, so we decided to create a full-fledged installer for the game (pre-installed Generals ZH is not needed for complete installation). There is support for choosing the language of the installer (Caution! The installer does not change the language of the game itself!).

The parts of the game that will be added later can be obtained through our launcher. The release of the updates will be posted here in the information window launcher in our Discord & VK group.

After installing the game, be sure to launch the launcher (by default, the shortcuts that will created in the installer lead to it), it will install the game language at the first start (depending on the system language, also you can change it to another by switching the toggle switch on the main page of launcher).

In case of any problems during installation or in the mod itself, you can always ask for prompt help in our
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Post comment Comments
Battleship0003 - - 271 comments

Everytime I click play; I get the following Error Message.

You have encountered a serious error. Serious errors can be caused by many things including viruses, overheated hardware and hardware that does not meet the minimum specifications for the game. Please visit the forums at for suggested courses of action or consult your manual for Technical Support contact information.

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WhenTheyCry Author
WhenTheyCry - - 418 comments

This is a Generals Zero Hour standard error, the devs at EA did not output normal logs to flesh out the problem (some information is in ReleseCrashInfo.txt from "/User/MyDocuments/Generals ZeroHour/", but it's not always useful).

You can write to our Discord (, where we will try to determine its cause and help you with the problem.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
tokatakidada - - 96 comments

It conflicts with other mods or registry problems. I had the same problem. I fixed it by downloading new "pirate" copy of generals and copying INI files and Data folder to generals. If copy of original generals doesn't work, the mod won't work too.

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tokatakidada - - 96 comments

Maybe if you have a problem like "Error parsing ini file..." the problem is in original Generals(i mean not ZH).
Some files like Gen_cine.ini are absent at some versions of the game "generals ZH". Sorry for my possible poor english, i am from Ukraine(btw).
If you have a problem like this, download some "pirate" editions of the game, like this:
It's russian site... i couldn't find any normal version like this at the short time. Maybe i will find something better... maybe. Sorry again!

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WhenTheyCry Author
WhenTheyCry - - 418 comments

>Sorry for my possible poor english, i am from Ukraine(btw).
Пиши по русски, если по английски сложно)

Ошибка может быть вызвана чем угодно, это же ZH. Детальнее нужно смотреть, для этого и направляем всех в Discord

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m275500 - - 52 comments

For people having errors with the mod, just read the description for once. The mod doesn't require a fresh install of zero hour. The mod's installer installs both the game and the mod combined. Just download the installer and chooose a new empty folder then let the installer finish its job. Open the launcher, change the language, and have fun.

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tokatakidada - - 96 comments

Hmm... Bro, maybe having error is a problem of device, OS, or original generals, which may conflict with the game. I have both (mod and original ZH) working good, but i had much problem before i could play any of them.

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tokatakidada - - 96 comments

I have Windows 7-64 bit, where i couldn't launch any generals before i found a solution.

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tokatakidada - - 96 comments

If i am wrong, tell me it. Sorry if i offended somebody.

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m275500 - - 52 comments

Did you install the mod on a fresh empty folder (literally empty, a folder that doesn't have a game inside it)? I don't understand your comment, do you have a problem now or did you find a solution for this problem?

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WhenTheyCry Author
WhenTheyCry - - 418 comments

Meh, if everyone would listen to you ...

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tokatakidada - - 96 comments

I found a solution. The game couldn't launch on windows 7 first. I installed other copy of generals, and taked INI.big to generals zh.(both of them, world war 2 and generals zh didn't launched before i installed new copy)I had the problem with my OS, i think. After that, i got the problem(code: error parsing ini file gencine.ini). I fixed it by reassembling INIZH.big both of my working generals.(Lol, i had a problem with any of that copies, ZH from internet had bad textures). NVM bro, it's just my rave. Don't take this comment into account, trying to understand it. It's impossible, bcos i'm too bad writer) NVM... sorry that i taked your time.

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tokatakidada - - 96 comments

(it's answer to the comment m275500)

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m275500 - - 52 comments

Glad you could fix it. No problem! You didn't waste my time though. If generals isn't woking in vanilla form, it would never work with any mod. I see that you fixed the vanilla generals first, then the mod worked for you. Nice job.

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WhenTheyCry Author
WhenTheyCry - - 418 comments

You no longer need to dance with a tambourine to set)

Try to install mod via GenLauncher from Del
More info:

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Guest - - 700,079 comments

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