The pack uses the following mods: ENBWB-ElPadrinoV 2.0, GoT_retext_project, narf's_transitional_armour_pack, Pino_Armors_Pack_OSP_v1.2, Narf's_Plate_Armour_Pack_WB, Custom_Troop_Trees, Diplomacy 4.litdum,Sayd_helmets, kasogia, propesy of pendor, the deluge, floris evold, RusXIII. Music from the games Skyrim, Oblivion and Witcher 3.

RSS Reviews

Ivan_Kostyshkin says

Agree Disagree

I am sure that with proper development, this assembly will reach heights. At the moment, the mod is moderately hardcore, but there is no PBOD, the AI has hardly been improved, although I can't say that. In any case, the cozy atmosphere of the native is preserved.