A few years ago, i bought gta 3. I loved it, i played it alot. Soon after, my friend told me that there was this mod that you could download that changed all the cars to real cars (realgta3). I downloaded it that night, and i absolutely loved it!!!, i couldnt get enough of it. After having gta 3, naturally, i got vice city as soon as it came out. I waited patiently for an awesome mod to come out. After a few months of waiting, i decided to just download a few cars just to make the game more fun. once i figured out how to do it, i kept adding them until i had quite a few. It was soon after this, i decided to make my own mod for vice city, to replace every single vehicle, and to have tonnes of cool mods to make Vice City more real, and modern. I soon realised it was ALOT harder than i expected, and some people had given up on their mods because of one reason or another. So i did everything i could, and worked hard...

RSS Reviews

GTAAllMods says

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GTAModsLastNews says

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GTAVCFourBestMods says

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Good give more.


RealMods says

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Good give finished mod.


MyBestGTAMods says

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Good more of this.


DemoRockstar says

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Good give more of this.


AllGTAMods says

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Good give more updates.


RockstarModsR says

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Good old but gold.


NewsGTAMods says

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Good great