The Vaygr Tutorial Mod is a tutorial for the Vaygr, and is played like a campaign (even though it's so tempting to skip to the capital ship level when you haven't started the fighter level). "The Vaygr are gaining power. They have commmand over thousands of systems in the galaxy. Their eyes are set on Hiigara. After defeating the Hiigarans at Tanis, you must find and destroy the Mothership." Each level is dedicated to a different type of ship: Mission 01: Tanis Base - Fighters Mission 02: Sarum System - Corvettes Mission 03: Homeworld System - Frigates Mission 04: Thaddis Sabbah - Capital Ships Mission 05: Hiigara - (Final Test) The first four missions are simple, Makaan explains to you what each ship does, it comes out of hyperspace, and you have to destroy what its good at destroying. There is something like a "challenge" at the end of each mission, but its not that hard. The final level is like a test, where you have to defeat the hiigarans and destroy...

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Hello, To all of you who are watching this mod, and those of you who have enjoyed this mod (or not, depending on how you feel), I would like to announce...

Moving Smoothly


This is good news! We are up and running! Our first two missions have been completed and are ready for download. Here's an important note we posted...

VTM Team


This mod is currently having some issues, as my other team member is not currently communicating with me frequently, and is having some issues with finding...