UT40K: The Chosen Although 40K players and other Mod Teams may not have herd about us, we have in fact been going on, for quite a while. The fact that a ModDB page was never set up for us has only just been brought to light. We are a small but dedicated team, devoted to bringing the universe of Games Workshops Warhammer 40,000 to it's full glory, using the UT3 engine. While we have been toiling in the shadows, we have actually managed to release a Number of Public Betas over the last year and improve on them with each upgrade. We are devoted to remaining as close to the publish code rules as we possibly can, to the point where we have implemented both the JAM system, for the Terminator Assault Cannon, and a fully functional vehicle damage system, complete with Front, Side and Rear armour values and features all of the ways of disabling a vehicle (e.g. Crew Stunned, Weapon Destroyed, Immobilised and all the others) We have two mostly functional races available; The Imperium's...

Forum Thread
Flamer Flame Thrower (Games : Unreal Tournament 3 : Mods : UT40K: The Chosen : Forum : Concepts : Flamer Flame Thrower) Locked
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Oct 16 2009 Anchor

Alright, this is my interpretation of a flame throwers flames. I should probably be a little bit bigger, but I don't know what you all want, so here it is for now.

I'd kind of like to attempt to make the Flamer myself, if that's ok. I've never made a weapon, so I'd like to give it a try. If it doesn't work out, then biggest_kid and geodav are both good modelers, so they can do it.

biggest_kid Modeler, Texturer, Mapper
Oct 16 2009 Anchor

Very nice, id love to see that on a gun in ut40k.

A while back i was thinkin of doing a flame thrower instead of the tau rail rifle, but chose to do the rail rifle as i didnt think anyone in our team had these sort of animation skills. But now that ive seen what you can do micapharoh, id be happy to make you one if you dont get around to doing it.

By all means go ahead and try and make one yourself, you can always ask me and geo for help, and we can take over if you have a lack of time. Also, i assume you did that in UE using a particle emitter? In my experience with the DoW games(using both the SoB, SM and Ork flamers as reference), the flames tend to be more of a stream. Then about halfway down their trajectory they start to fan out into the classic flame thrower cloud you've got going here.

But by all means great work hope to see this frying some characters soon!


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Oct 16 2009 Anchor

I had it as more of a "stream," as you call it, but that made it so i couldn't add an initial rotation node or a rotation rate node. Otherwise it didn't work correctly. I could have made it a stream, then had another set of flames come up from where it left off, but I decided to go this route. I can always change it later.

biggest_kid Modeler, Texturer, Mapper
Oct 17 2009 Anchor

Will this looks fine anyway, as long as you can get a bit more distance to it, coz that doesnt look too far from where im sitting lol. Also, what does a rotation node and rotation rate node do anyway?

Another thing you can do, though this will probably be much harder is: Have a pure stream of fire, and where ever it touches a surface such as a wall, floor, or enemy player, have that burst into flames. So dont actually have any flames in the initial animation, but once it hits a surface, then have the flame cloud appear.


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Oct 17 2009 Anchor

You can set up literally anything if you have the cascade and scripting skills. I can't script, so it could be tough, but we could do it like that.

the two rotation nodes both rotate the individual sprites. Initial is the rotation that it's at when it spawns, rotation rate is how fast it spins while it's alive.

Geodav UT40k Team Leader
Oct 17 2009 Anchor

we do have a low poly flamer model which i can get in game with-in a day or two, please bare with me on these models as the W40k models are not very detailed and i don't like just chucking stuff on for the hell of it.

i think biggest_kid means the impact/decal effects, check the Dark Walker or the BioRifle for info


Oct 17 2009 Anchor

I see. Yeah, that shouldn't be a problem either. Just set a decal that starts bright then fades out. And I would like to see the flame thrower work in game.

biggest_kid Modeler, Texturer, Mapper
Oct 17 2009 Anchor

If the low poly flame thrower doesnt look good geo, micahpharoh has offered to make one, and i could always make one once some of my time free's up.


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Oct 17 2009 Anchor

I'd like to see what the old flame thrower looks like. I started to make one, but it looks really bad right now. I'm sure I could do it, but it might take some time. Time that I could have been doing something more important, if we already have one.

biggest_kid Modeler, Texturer, Mapper
Oct 17 2009 Anchor

Hmm ok. Well we shall see what the old one looks like then. Geo want to post up some pics?


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Geodav UT40k Team Leader
Oct 20 2009 Anchor

here's a pic of the Flamer in-game

just using the shock code to get it in-game, need to do some work on the 3rd person version

Edited by: Geodav

Oct 20 2009 Anchor

It just so happens that someone else has been asking about the 3rd person view on the UT3 forums Here

biggest_kid Modeler, Texturer, Mapper
Oct 20 2009 Anchor

Yeah geo means how the gun looks when other players are holding it, ie. not from the perspective when you're holding it. Doesn't look too bad geo, for a low poly flamer. How many tris is it at?


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Oct 20 2009 Anchor

on topic, it does look good. If anything, maybe touch up the texture, the model itself looks good.

Geodav UT40k Team Leader
Oct 21 2009 Anchor

believe it or not the model comes in at ca 800 triangles, if i re-make the model i'd have to do a new texture and trust me i didn't do the first one


biggest_kid Modeler, Texturer, Mapper
Oct 21 2009 Anchor

I think we should just leave the model for now and get micah working on the animation ;)


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Oct 21 2009 Anchor

I'm still never sure what you mean when you say animation, because you seem to use it for the literal animation and the particle effects. What do you mean this time, biggest_kid?

Ministry_3D Modeler, Painter, Mapper
Oct 22 2009 Anchor

I think the animation is already done. All that's left is to attach the particle effect to the weapon, set it up to fire only when the trigger is pressed, and apply damage when the particles collide with another character.

Are we going to have them catch fire like we did in the old version?


User Posted Image

biggest_kid Modeler, Texturer, Mapper
Oct 22 2009 Anchor

Lol i like the sound of people catching fire ministry, sounds mad.

So yeah pretty much what ministry said, how long before u rekon you can have it working micah? Or does geo do this part?

Also micah, usually when i refer to animation, i mean shooting animation. Such as the literal animation and particle effects which appear when the fire button is pressed/held.


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Oct 22 2009 Anchor

ok, I get it now. I don't do any coding (yet) so that's geodav's job. I'm pretty good with particle effects, I just have to have strong direction. It makes it nice to be able to show it here, where you can critique it, and offer feedback. I can't make the actual gun animation without the model, and it sounds like it already has one. So now we need geodav to add the weapon, and the particle effect to the weapon. If the player catches fire then we'll need a particle effect for that too, and geodav needs the knowledge to attach the emitter to the pawn (which he may already know).

That's how I see it, anyways.

Geodav UT40k Team Leader
Oct 22 2009 Anchor

ok the "basic animations" for the flamer are done, what we need to workout is how we do the effects, now i can't code to save my life so i was thinking on using the biorifle as a base, which means the flame effect might need to be a projectile effect, i know the biorifle goo sticks and then explodes, just a few thoughts.

anyway if micah can send me the effect then i'll try and get it to work and do a full build release as i think we've added enough for the moment


Oct 22 2009 Anchor

You could also look at the impact hammer, which isn't projectile. Between the 2 you may find something useful. Also, the flame thrower could start the ground on fire for a few seconds, which would be similar to the biorifle's blobs. I'll send it soon, though.

biggest_kid Modeler, Texturer, Mapper
Oct 22 2009 Anchor

Yes all good ideas, and im sure you could find a way to attach an emitter to a pawn on Epic forums, i find they are very very helpful for anything such as this.


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Oct 23 2009 Anchor

or we could just look at how they attach the blobs from the biorifle to pawns. Those are particle emiters too.

Geodav UT40k Team Leader
Oct 23 2009 Anchor

ok the effect didn't work, now trying to get it to work as a biorifle (my head hurts)


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