In this gripping narrative, set in a parallel timeline to the renowned marine's battle through the "Fortress of Damnation" in TNT3, the story unfolds with earth-shattering stakes. The Earth's provisional government has uncovered a new portal to hell deep within the planet's asthenosphere. As you absorb this information, a sinking realization dawns on you: this mission may very well be a one-way journey, severing the ties with your friends, your family, and your beloved wife forever. But lingering farewells would only amplify the agony, an agony that's already unbearable. With resolve steeling your heart, you step into your living room, shouldering two bags. You pick up two cigars – a small solace for the moments between your impending triumph... or death. Leaving your house, you board the government's black hovercraft, embarking on a journey of no return. Five days later, you find yourself on an isolated island, surrounded by an endless sea of lava....


In this gripping narrative, set in a parallel timeline to the renowned marine's battle through the "Fortress of Damnation" in TNT3, the story unfolds with earth-shattering stakes.

Torment & Torture : Classic Lost Episode v2.0
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Klemc - - 39 comments

If i understand, your mods have the fullscreen_hud mod in !.?
Why can't we have the split/separate (left-right) hud option enabled, i like it ?!

NashGore NEXT was out in 2024 if ever you interested to use the newy version !?


Well thanks, i had an AiO and switched to the new releases of the whole series, it's hard maps i'm not that of a Doomer.

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