Now on CtA, This Modification is dedicated towards bringing the Halo universe to life for the public within the Gem engine. The mod is being hosted under the Basement group and being created by the Basement Halo_SC Mod team. The team is filled with dedicated and talented artists that are excited to bring there hard work to the community. We will be showcasing our work here regularly and providing information on the progress of this modification thru articles, videos and images.

RSS Reviews

Nomadbk says

Agree (2) Disagree

Very interesting.


MrSpoon says

Agree (1) Disagree

All halo love bias aside, this mod looks phenomenal and has a lot of passion behind it. A beautiful new mod for a amazing old game.


rufo15 says

Agree (1) Disagree

Incredible, it has not even come out and I already have to give it a 9, because the only bad thing is that if you put more models of halo 1, 2, 3, etc, it would be very epic


Sturmgeschutz says

Agree Disagree

I'm interested, very invested, and hooked to this mod. Lets see what the future has for us.


MaxMob04 says