Projex is a Valve's Portal Mod which is a personal creation that tributes the fabulous game of Portal. This is more of a skin rather than a real-game Mod of Portal, with additional puzzles. No scripts and or codes, I customized the MOD to adjust the look of the game and create basic puzzles for Level Design. This is a Beta version; the graphics are not polished, but publishable. Level design is functional but, not fully tested on a large audience. Projex is for the advanced players, whom have completed and knowledgeable about Portal. Beginners will encounter above average puzzles that are not difficult.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 39)

Great idea! Love this!


LOVE the look of the mod.
i like how you went out of your way to create an atmosphere separate from the original portal with the different textures and models

An amazing mod. I have never seen a mod that changed Portal so much. Needs more maps and content though.


This has such a cool aesthetic, I wish the devs were still interested into finishing this.


Satiam says

Agree Disagree

Unbelievably beautiful. Who would have thought that Portal could look so good in black? In addition, the level design and puzzles were excellent. It is a pity that this mod is not being developed any further. With more levels and a good story, this mod could become legendary.

Good Texture. Good Models.
Just hope more longer.

Brilliant mod, loved it!

that is awsome


kennethinbmore says

May contain spoilers Agree Disagree (3)

1 1


zys says