Based on the movie, the Mummy and set in the year 1290 BC. *Spoilers Alert* Original story goes, Seti I was the richest Pharaoh that ever ruled Egypt. Imhotep, the high priest & Keeperof the Dead was thtrusted advisor to Seti but touched the Pharaoh's mistress Anck Su Naman. He & her fall in love with each other, vowing that they'd be willing to sacrifice everything just to be together. But then Pharaoh Seti I finds out and gets brutally murdered by both of them who had both sworn allegiance to him. Anck Su Namun kills herself, vowing she is no longer the Pharaoh's temple. In all his grief after witnessing her act, After Imhotep & his priests managed to steal Anck Su Naman's corpse, they attempt to resurrect her at the City of the Dead, Hamunaptra but failed due to the Medjai finding them, condemning them to the after life for eternity. Question is, what had happened between 1290 BC and 1923 AD? Will you choose to help the Medjai or be corrupted by Imhotep?Choice is yours

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The Mummy: An Untold Tale

The Mummy: An Untold Tale


The earliest version will be worked on immediately and I will release an early alpha.

Plan for next release

Plan for next release

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Next version, new scenes and maybe new units such as Anubites.

The Next Update is on its way

The Next Update is on its way

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New update with good news and bad news. This has some minor additions such as items. Still lots of work to be done!

New Update

New Update


Our team is working on scenes, models and hopefully eventually items. Soon the mod will be improved and most native items should be gone if we can find...

War of the Gods: Wrath of Egypt

War of the Gods: Wrath of Egypt


I need scripters, scene makers, a mapper, a texturer. Anyone who has always been inspired by Ancient Egypt please let me know if you are willing to help...