Hello! Welcome to the Desolation of Arda ModDb page! We're a small mod team working on The Battle for Middle Earth 2: Rise of the Witch King. On whom we're creating the mod called "Desolation of Arda". The mod takes place in the Second Age and will then transpire and translate itself into the First Age and then finally into the famous eucatastrophe event known as "Dagor Dagorath". Factions to be included into this mod on release will be Numenor, Eregion, Dwarves of Khazad-Dum, Mordor and Harad. (Subject to Change)

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Emperor Ar-Pharazon The Golden

Emperor Ar-Pharazon The Golden

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Ar-Pharazôn the Golden, was the twenty-fifth and last King of Númenor. Of all the Kings of Númenor, he wielded the most power, but used it most unwisely...